Historic Town of Vigan Detail

Historic Town of Vigan

Background and importance
Vegan is a world heritage city in the Philippines. Built since the 16th century (21st century Buddhist) is considered one of the most beautiful cities. Located to the west of Luzon In the province of Ilocos Sur in the north of the Philippines Is an example of good urban planning during the Spanish colonial period in Asia By planning the city is a form of European commercial city in Asia that blends Chinese culture and European culture harmoniously. Resulting in the culture and city landscape that is unique in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

Vigan still retains the uniqueness of Spanish colonial architecture. The streets and buildings are Spanish. Old Spanish houses that are still in perfect condition in the old town. There are historic churches from the colonial period, such as the famous Cathedral of Vigan. The roads in this city are therefore only allowed by carriages. Historic city of Wigan Registered as a World Cultural Heritage on 2 December 1999, having met the requirements and criteria for considering the cultural heritage of 2 items as follows:

  1. It is a very powerful thing Push for continuous development in architectural design Monument, sculpture garden and landscape, as well as the development of related arts Or the development of human settlement Which has occurred in a certain period of time Or on any area of ​​the world that preserves culture.
  2. It is an outstanding example of the type of structure that represents development Culture, society, fine arts, science, technology and industry in the history of humanist…

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