Himalaya Range in Nepal

Himalaya Range in Nepal

The Himalaya Range is a mountain range in Asia that separates the Indian subcontinent north Out of the Tibetan Plateau in the south It is the highest peak in the world, such as Mount Everest and the peak of Gan Chungka (Kanchenjunga). Himalayas is the origin of many important river systems in the world such as the Indus basin and the Ganges – Brahmaputra river Salween River and Mekong River.

The Himalayas stretch across to 5 countries are as Pakistan, India, China, Bhutan, and Nepal. Its the watershed area of ​​the Himalayas and home for people around 750 million including Bangladeshi. The Himalayas include the Karagorum Mountains, the Hindu Kush and other smaller mountains. Together, the Himalayas are the highest system in the world and is the home of the highest peak Which includes Mount Everest and K2.

“Himalayas” originate from Nanga Parbat, northern Pakistan. Extends from the west curve to the east From the river in the valley of the Indus Up to the Brahmaputra valley Fused into a 2,400-kilometer long curved path that spans from 400 kilometers in the west in the Kashmir-Xinjiang area to 150 kilometers in the east. Tibet – Arunachan, a country built as a natural fortification dividing the sub-continent with the Tibetan plateau And was used to mark the boundary between Pakistan, India, Bhutan and China until the end of the Namchak Barwa Mountains in the southeast of Tibet throughout the mountains Towering the sky with the peaks above eight thousand meters Scattered to 14 peaks, with less than half the height of snow covering the entirety of the year.


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