Here Comes Fortune Star 廢財闖天關 Episode 38 Recap

Here Comes Fortune Star 廢財闖天關 Episode 38 Recap

Zhang’s group entertains villagers from Lingxiao Village on a trip around the island. Zhao Zimo made up his mind not to participate in the trip, and also advised Xiaqin to stay, as if he had a foreboding that something would happen. Zhang Zhenyu was anxious that Qin did not go round the island together in the summer, and wanted to persuade Zimo to agree, but he exploded Zimo’s anger, and the conflict between the two was on the verge. The other villagers were looking forward to it, and they all packed their bags.

Because Zhao Zi silently mentioned that he would leave, and there was really a record of leaving without saying goodbye in the past, Xiaqin, who was injured, could no longer bear this uneasy feeling, and finally broke up with Zhao Zimo. Sophia, who has always had a good impression of Zhao Zimo, quickly germinated a certain feeling in her heart after learning that Tianqin and Zimo had broken up.

A series of packaging marketing in the hotel has been promoted. In the main promotional short film, the original male and female protagonists were unable to attend due to a car accident. Tiefu invited Zimo and Tianqin, the most handsome and beautiful in the hotel, to be the protagonists of the short film. The director frequently praised the filming process, and everyone was looking forward to the final product.


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