Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 6 Recap & Review

Episode 6: Jiang Yingyue deliberately framed, Zhang Pengpeng was wronged and humiliated

Sobering up the next day, Zhang Pengpeng thought that he and Lvli had already had a spring night with Lvli, and Lvli’s shy look when he saw him confirmed Zhang Pengpeng’s idea. He also tested whether Lvli could continue their relationship after returning to the palace, and Lvli answered irrelevant questions. On the carriage back to the palace, Zhang Pengpeng saw the hickey on Qi Cheng’s neck and mistakenly thought that Qi Cheng had a relationship with Jiang Yingyue, so he talked about his love experience with him.

Qi Cheng was baffled, he didn’t understand why Zhang Pengpeng had undergone such a big change overnight, and in a rage, he drove Zhang Pengpeng out of the carriage. Lv Li cried and asked Zhang Pengpeng why she and the prince were so affectionate last night, but now it is not good. After Lv Li’s narration and vague memories, Zhang Pengpeng realized that he had sex with Qi Cheng last night, and Zhang Pengpeng said angrily to Lv Li: You are going to bend me.

After returning to the palace, Zhang Pengpeng felt sick when he thought of the night he spent with Qi Cheng, thinking that Qi Cheng had caused great harm to his young heart, liver, spleen and lungs. Lvli told Zhang Pengpeng that the emperor was going to hold a Cuju competition in the palace, inviting women from all palaces to participate, and was not allowed to ask for leave.

Knowing that Zhang Pengpeng is not good at the game, Qi Cheng took her outside to train her. The strong training made Zhang Pengpeng complain endlessly.

Finally came the match day, but Zhang Pengpeng kicked the ball into his own goal. The match was in full swing, Jiang Yingyue defended Zhang Pengpeng desperately, just when the two were inseparable, Jiang Yingyue’s clothes suddenly fell into Zhang Pengpeng’s hands, and Jiang Yingyue was even more disheveled. fell to the ground. For a while, everyone was stunned. Jiang Yingyue asked Zhang Pengpeng why she took off her clothes because she just robbed the ball. ran over.

Zhang Pengpeng was very wronged, Jiu Wang came to take her away, and told her not to care about other people’s eyes. The prince left with Jiang Yingyue in his arms in public. The concubines of the prince made irresponsible remarks to Zhang Pengpeng.

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