Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 37 End Recap & Review

Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 37 End Recap & Review

Playboy Zhang Peng accidentally fell into the water to avoid being surrounded by his ex-girlfriends. After waking up, I found that not only had I traveled through the millennium, but I had also changed my gender and become the current princess——Zhang Pengpeng. Zhang Peng, who has countless hunters, can’t accept this fact, but he can’t change it either.

On the one hand, Zhang Pengpeng coveted the three thousand beauties in the prince’s harem, but on the other hand he had to learn how to live in the harem. What bothered her the most was that as a “princess concubine”, she had to please the prince Qi Cheng…

Therefore, in order to protect herself, Zhang Pengpeng had to fall into the struggle between the prince, the nine kings, and the king of Zhao. The struggle was entangled with love and hate. After experiencing everything, Zhang Pengpeng finally fell in love with Qi Cheng completely. The two gave up everything and went back to the mountains…

(End Three)

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