Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 32 Recap & Review

Episode 32: Qi Cheng expresses his sincerity to Pengpeng, and Jiu Wang expresses his sincerity to Bei Mo

Zhang Pengpeng has been in a coma for many days, and Qi Cheng is always by his side to take care of him. The imperial doctor told Qi Cheng that Zhang Pengpeng has been asleep because of the fatigue of the journey for many days.

Zhang Pengpeng finally woke up, she questioned Qi Cheng why he lied to her, Qi Cheng asked her if she wanted to die, Zhang Pengpeng was very angry that he played with his feelings. Qi Cheng said that he was betting himself that Zhang Pengpeng would not abandon him this time, and he was glad that he did not lose Zhang Pengpeng after all.

But from Zhang Pengpeng’s point of view, Qi Cheng is playing with other people’s lives time and time again. The couple had a long talk, and Zhang Pengpeng expressed that he could not accept Qi Cheng’s actions. Qi Cheng said that he would not deceive Zhang Pengpeng again in the future.

Yang Yan stole his third brother’s token and went to prison to visit Jiu Wang and wanted to take him away. Jiu Wang didn’t want to hurt Yang Yan, but he decided to leave with him despite Yang Yan’s persuasion.

Zhang Pengpeng fell into a deep sleep again, and Lvli cried loudly beside her bed, finally waking Zhang Pengpeng up. Zhang Pengpeng told Lvli that the emperor expressed his heartfelt affection to her, but she couldn’t accept this emotion all of a sudden. She felt that his emotions, anger, sorrow, and even life and death were controlled by him. She didn’t want such feelings, and she didn’t know what to do. Facing Qi Sheng.

Yang Yu reported to Qi Cheng that the Nine Kings had been taken away by Yang Yan, and he had already sent someone to chase after him. In the early morning, Jiu Wang and Yang Yan hid in the sheep pen. Jiu Wang lamented that his bad luck never comes singly.

He told Jiu Wang that Zhang Pengpeng came to deliver the antidote to Qi Cheng, and said that Zhang Pengpeng seemed to be in love with Qi Cheng, and Jiu Wang was very sad.

Qi Cheng’s army rested in Beimo for a period of time, planning to attack Beimo on a large scale. He used King Zhao and Yang Yu’s father and son again. Yang Yan went to Pingning City to inquire about Zhang Pengpeng. He told Jiu Wang that he could not enter the General’s Mansion to see Zhang Pengpeng. Jiu Wang still planned to impress Zhang Pengpeng with his sincerity. The Nine Kings guessed that Qi Cheng planned to use an empty city strategy, and he decided to take advantage of Qi Cheng, a Tartar from Beimo, to kill people with a borrowed knife.

Jiu Wang and Yang Yan went to the enemy camp to ask to see the leader of Beimo, Jiu Wang told the leader that he could help them, and also told him how to destroy Qi Cheng, so as to gain the trust of the leader of Beimo. Beimo’s army has already attacked the city of Pingning, while Nanxia’s main force has already been dispatched, Qi Cheng can only personally supervise the battle, Zhang Pengpeng ordered Lvli to prepare a battle suit for himself after learning about it.

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