Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 31 Recap & Review

Episode 31: Zhang Pengpeng sends the antidote thousands of miles away, and the lovers have a rift

Yang Yan wanted to take Zhang Pengpeng away, but Zhang Pengpeng was unwilling to leave. Yang Yan asked Zhang Pengpeng if he fell in love with Qi Cheng, but Zhang Pengpeng refused to admit it. Yang Yan originally thought that Zhang Pengpeng and Jiu Wang would be a happy couple, but now he expressed his Never believe in love again.

Yang Yu came to the tent and reported to Qi Cheng that the queen was kidnapped on the way. In fact, Yang Yan and Zhang Pengpeng lost their way in the forest.

Zhang Pengpeng looked anxiously at the antidote in his hand, but the two of them could not find a way out. Qi Cheng took the car people out to look for Zhang Pengpeng, Yang Yan wanted to take the antidote from Zhang Pengpeng’s body, because she didn’t want Zhang Pengpeng to go to die.

Zhang Pengpeng desperately protected the antidote, and said that he was very sad to hear the news of Qi Cheng’s poisoning. She did not want Qi Cheng to die. Yang Yan scolded Zhang Pengpeng for being confused. , Yang Yan threw the antidote into the river, and Zhang Pengpeng searched for the antidote in the mud.

When Zhang Pengpeng found the antidote, he was already covered in mud and in a panic. Yang Yan climbed to the tree to check the situation, he told Zhang Pengpeng that Qi Cheng brought someone, Zhang Pengpeng was surprised that Qi Cheng was still alive.

At this critical moment, Yang Yan chose to leave Zhang Pengpeng to protect Jiu Wang. Holding the antidote, Zhang Pengpeng had mixed feelings in his heart.

Zhang Pengpeng and Qi Cheng finally met. Qi Cheng was moved and said to Zhang Pengpeng that you have suffered. Zhang Pengpeng shed tears seeing that her beloved was safe and sound. She handed the antidote to Qi Cheng, but then turned and left sadly. , but fainted due to exhaustion. Qi Cheng hugged Zhang Pengpeng deeply.

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