Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 30 Recap & Review

Episode 30: Nine Kings Defeated and Detained

Even after Yang Yu’s severe torture, the people in black who assassinated Qi Cheng did not reveal the mastermind behind the scenes. Qi Cheng respected those dead men very much and did not make things difficult for them. Both he and Yang Yu knew that the mastermind behind this incident was the Nine Kings. Qi Cheng bluntly said that he did not think that Jiu Wang would kill the king. Jiu Wang said that he could not help being born in the emperor’s family. Qi Cheng advised him not to fight for things that he did not have in his life. Qi Cheng was very angry when he heard it.

Qi Cheng imprisoned the Nine Kings for disposal. Zhang Pengpeng told Yang Yan that the censor case was also instigated by Qi Cheng, and that Qi Cheng had known the plans of several people in the alliance. Yang Yan used the cliché to play Yang Yan, but Yang Yan believed it to be true. Zhang Pengpeng was worried that the dead men sent by Jiu Wang had already started, and that would be bad luck. Yang Yan informed Jiu Wang overnight, but he didn’t know it was too late.

Qi Cheng knew that the assassination of himself by the Nine Kings had something to do with the Empress, and he had long wanted to abolish the Empress, but he couldn’t stop being ruthless towards Zhang Pengpeng. Qi Cheng wrote two letters. The first letter was sent to Empress Dowager, falsely claiming that he was assassinated and poisoned and urgently needed an antidote developed in the palace and sent to the front line. The second letter was addressed to Zhang Pengpeng.

The concubines were visiting the garden together, and Concubine Huang suddenly fainted. Physician Zhang came to treat him, but Concubine Huang ordered him not to make public. The Empress Dowager found Zhang Pengpeng and told him about the poisoning of Qi Cheng in the letter. Zhang Pengpeng was very anxious and sad when he heard it. Doctor Zhang reported to Zhang Pengpeng late at night, saying that he found that Concubine Huang was pregnant for more than two months, and Qi Cheng had already set off three months ago. Zhang Pengpeng broke into Concubine Huang’s palace.

Zhang Pengpeng was worried that Qi Cheng was about to be poisoned and died. She decided to take Lv Li to deliver the antidote. She was worried that she would kill Qi Cheng. The empress dowager saw Zhang Pengpeng off, and she hoped that Qi Cheng and Pengpeng would return safely. In order not to waste time, Zhang Pengpeng decided to abandon the carriage and ride to Beimo. Yang Yan took the sleeping Zhang Pengpeng away in the dark.

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