Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 29 Recap & Review

Episode 29: Assassinated in Qi Cheng’s Army, King Zhao Defeats

On the front line, Qi Cheng called Jiu Wang, Zhao Wang, and others to discuss the war. Jiu Wang wanted to mislead Qi Cheng to fight Bei Mo head-on, but Yang Yu expressed his objection. Everyone was in dispute and wanted to hear Zhao Wang’s opinion, but Zhao Wang spoke nonsense.

Qi Cheng entrusted King Zhao with heavy responsibility. Yang Yu was worried that King Zhao and the Nine Kings would collude to ruin the event. Qi Cheng thought he knew King Zhao very well. Although King Zhao looked dull, he was actually very wise. He hoped that the reuse at critical moments would make King Zhao change his past.

At night, Zhao Wang and Jiu Wang met, and Zhao Wang told Jiu Wang that Qi Cheng had known the plan of their alliance for a long time. The Nine Kings wanted to attack Qi Sheng immediately, and he planned to have King Zhao lead someone to assassinate King Zhao while the guards were lax.

Sitting in the Xingsheng Palace, Zhang Pengpeng was still restless. She figured out that Yang Yu might belong to Qi Cheng. She was glad that the most important plan had not been leaked. She knew that Qi Cheng had already started to doubt herself, and she was still worried before. I had a misunderstanding about Qi Sheng, but now it doesn’t look like that.

It rained heavily at night, and Qi Cheng sympathetically asked the guards to evacuate from his tent. The men in black led by Zhao Wang had already ambushed in the woods near the camp, and the danger was slowly approaching Qi Cheng. The assassin and the guards fought in the tent, the assassin rushed into the tent to assassinate the emperor, but King Zhao rushed in to protect Qi Cheng and repelled the assassin.

Jiu Wang waited for a long time for Zhao Wang’s signal, and was very anxious. He didn’t expect that Zhao Wang had already rebelled. Qi Cheng and Zhao Wang had a heart-to-heart conversation in the tent. Zhao Wang said that he had always regarded Qi Cheng as a brother, but he hated Qi Cheng because he took away his beloved woman, but he was grateful for Qi Cheng’s small favors to him. He admitted his cheapness and cowardice.

The two brothers recalled their friendship from childhood to adulthood. Qi Cheng told King Zhao that Jiang Yingyue’s matter was because he was sorry for him. The grievances between the two were wiped out, and Qi Cheng was still willing to let King Zhao help him fight the world.

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