Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 28 Recap & Review

Episode 28: Qi Cheng’s imperial conquest, Peng Peng’s heart is tangled

Qi Cheng finally decided to go to Beimo, Lv Li told Zhang Pengpeng the news, Zhang Pengpeng was troubled, she didn’t expect Qi Cheng to go so soon. Qi Cheng found his brothers Zhao Wang and Jiu Wang to discuss the conquest of Beimo, and told them that he would go to the front line with them, and Jiu Wang and Zhao Wang expressed their willingness to follow Qi Cheng to the expedition.

Zhang Pengpeng was worried about Qi Cheng and tested Jiu Wang’s tone. Jiu Wang told Zhang Pengpeng that Qi Cheng had left Zhang’s soldiers and horses in Shengdu. Zhang Pengpeng thought it was to make Jiu Wang lose his support. Lv Li was worried that King Zhao would go to war, worried that he would become a widow before he got married, and cried a lot in Xingsheng Palace.

Zhang Pengpeng saw through at a glance that Qi Cheng was worried about his two brothers, and she reminded Lv Li that King Zhao might be in danger. Zhang Pengpeng felt that Qi Cheng was planning to wipe out his alliance.

He told Zhang Pengpeng that he had already arranged the matter in Beimo. He decided to let the guards assassinate Qi Cheng in Beimo. After the incident, he let Zhang Pengpeng assist the little prince to ascend the throne, and promised that if he failed, he would be responsible for himself. Zhang Pengpeng felt that he owed Jiu Wang too much. Jiu Wang hugged Zhang Pengpeng affectionately, but Zhang Pengpeng was very sad.

Lvli and Zhao Wang said goodbye at Xingsheng Palace, and Lvli was affectionate to Zhao Wang. Before Qi Cheng left for the expedition, Zhang Pengpeng came to see him off, Qi Cheng asked her if she would be reluctant to part with her, but Zhang Pengpeng avoided answering, and Qi Cheng left disappointed. Since Qi Cheng left, Zhang Pengpeng felt lost in his heart, writing Qi Cheng’s name every day, Lv Li was very worried about her. Zhang Pengpeng was very worried about Qi Cheng, and even wanted to hear about Qi Cheng through the empress dowager.

Yang Yan came to Zhang Pengpeng and told her that her father and several brothers were missing. Zhang Pengpeng felt that something was wrong, and she asked Zhang Lingling to go back to Zhang’s house to inquire about the situation in the army.

The empress dowager came to Zhang Pengpeng with her concubines. In order to enliven the atmosphere, everyone played the game of carrot squatting, but Zhang Pengpeng was always on his mind. The good news came from Beimo, and Zhang Pengpeng was delighted from the bottom of his heart.

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