Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 27 Recap & Review

Episode 27: Qi Cheng Conquers His Lover, Peng Peng’s Dream Comes True

The ministers had an audience with the emperor, and both the court and the people were dissatisfied with Qi Cheng’s plan to go to Beimo. Just when the ministers and Qi Cheng couldn’t stand it, Qi Hao and Zhang Pengpeng ran into the meeting room one after another. Looking at their son, Qi Cheng’s fatherly love grew and his mood improved.

The ministers commented that it was inappropriate for the emperor and the prince to stay together, but Qi Cheng said that Qi Hao would be the future king. Zhang Pengpeng had mixed feelings when he heard Qi Cheng’s words. Qi Cheng told the ministers that he had made up his mind to go to Beimo.

Zhang Pengpeng has doubts about Qi Cheng passing the throne to Qi Hao, but Qi Cheng can’t understand her thoughts. Qi Cheng proposed to teach Zhang Pengpeng to review the memorial, but Zhang Pengpeng misunderstood that Qi Cheng wanted to have a relationship with him. Qi Cheng taught Zhang Pengpeng how to use approval or disapproval when reviewing memorials, but Zhang Pengpeng didn’t listen at all.

Qi Cheng and Zhang Pengpeng were doing physical training together, Zhang Pengpeng looked at Qi Cheng’s strong physique and his love was growing, he tried to tease him several times, but Qi Cheng was unmoved.

Zhang Pengpeng realized that Qi Cheng’s painstaking cultivation of himself was not to fall in love with him, but to correct himself. Zhang Pengpeng lamented that it was difficult to overthrow him. Qi Cheng told Zhang Pengpeng seriously that if she didn’t work hard, she would perish.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of dancing, Zhang Pengpeng took advantage of Qi Cheng, but Jiu Wang and Yang Yan had a full view of this scene. The jealous Jiu Wang danced with Yang Yanhe, and Jiu Wang even mistook Yang Yan for Zhang Pengpeng. Yang Yan persuaded Jiu Wang to let go, and Yao understood that Zhang Pengpeng was involuntary.

In order to have a spring dinner with Qi Cheng, Zhang Pengpeng put jin ge in the tea for Qi Cheng, but Qi Cheng didn’t drink it. Qi Cheng wondered how much Zhang Pengpeng had changed, and said that liking someone is just liking her nature, just remind her to be herself. Zhang Pengpeng did not dissociate from Qi Cheng’s demands on him. Qi Cheng explained that the reason why he trained her harshly was because he was going to go to Beimo.

If he had any troubles, he needed Zhang Pengpeng to assist Qi Hao. Qi Cheng’s good intentions moved Zhang Pengpeng very much, and finally Zhang Pengpeng was completely conquered by Qi Cheng, and they spent the spring night together under the joy of love. Zhang Peng in Zhang Pengpeng’s body finally accepted this body completely, and his body and mind became one.

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