Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 26 Recap & Review

Episode 26: The alliance suffers heavy losses, Qi Cheng teaches Peng Peng

Yang Yu taught his son Yang Yan a lesson, while Zhang Lingling begged for mercy but failed. Jiu Wang was infatuated with the purse that Zhang Pengpeng gave him, and Zhao Wang came to see Jiu Wang and saw this scene. Zhao Wang wondered why Jiu Wang was still in the mood to drink tea. Jiu Wang said that he would respond to all changes without change, and Zhao Wang left disapprovingly.

The ministers reported to Qi Cheng that the Nine Kings had colluded with the gangsters, presented much evidence of the Nine Kings’ crimes, and tearfully demanded that Qi Cheng severely punish the Nine Kings. Qi Cheng said that he has made his own decision on the case of Jiu Wang. Zhao Wang reminded Jiu Wang that it was not convenient to meet Yang Yan and Zhang Pengpeng. Jiu Wang said that he had no choice but to do anything because it was too late.

Zhang Pengpeng’s father and uncle were dismissed and investigated. Fan Shi and Lv Li came to her and complained. Zhang Pengpeng understood that this was Qi Cheng’s dissatisfaction with her lying, and she decided to bear all the responsibilities. Zhang Pengpeng put on plain clothes and came to Daming Palace to find Qi Cheng, and sincerely admitted the mistakes she made. She hoped that Qi Cheng would give herself a chance to correct her shortcomings.

Qi Cheng, however, understood that Zhang Pengpeng’s low eyebrows were pleasing to the eye because of the situation. Zhang Pengpeng cried and begged Qi Cheng to forgive Yang Yan, Jiu Wang, Zhao Wang and others. Qi Cheng was softened by Zhang Pengpeng’s crying, and Zhang Pengpeng said that he could rely on the emperor most.

Qi Cheng dealt with Jiu Wang and others lightly, but humiliated Zhao Wang. Zhao Wang was in a bad mood, so Jiu Wang and Yang Yan came to him. All three of them believed that their fate was completely in Qi Cheng’s hands, which made them very uncomfortable.

The emperor and Yang Yu’s plan is still being carried out in secret. Yang Yu doesn’t understand why Qi Cheng didn’t take down Jiu Wang and others in one fell swoop. Qi Cheng told him that he must first stabilize the court situation.

Zhang Pengpeng is not optimistic about her situation. She hates that her fate is in Qi Cheng’s hands. What happened before made her more determined to strengthen the alliance with Jiu Wang and others. Zhang Pengpeng practiced Thai martial arts in Xingsheng Palace. Jiu Wang found an excuse to give her a gift. He gave Zhang Pengpeng the concentric knot he carried with him, and said that even if he died in battle, he would let his heart be with Zhang Pengpeng. , Zhang Pengpeng said that his heart was the same as his.

Eunuch Qiang came to Xingsheng Palace, brought the emperor’s oral order, and asked Zhang Pengpeng to meet in the study of Daming Palace. Qi Cheng sent a lot of books to Zhang Pengpeng, but Zhang Pengpeng misunderstood that he wanted to give him a hug. Qi Cheng said that he would teach Zhang Pengpeng everything he had learned in his life.

Although Zhang Pengpeng was unwilling to study, he was still very happy to be with Qi Cheng. Qi Cheng teaches Zhang Pengpeng to write, but Zhang Pengpeng and Qi Cheng become distracted. She can no longer hide Qi Cheng’s love, but Qi Cheng still insists on keeping a distance from Zhang Pengpeng.

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