Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 25 Recap & Review

Episode 25: Jiang Yingyue leaves the palace, Zhang Pengpeng falls in love with Qi Cheng

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Pengpeng recalled the lingering night with Qi Cheng the night before, instead of feeling angry, he felt joy in his heart. Qi Cheng felt guilty for forcing Zhang Pengpeng to have a relationship, so he went to see Zhang Pengpeng with a 100,000-fold apology. Qi Cheng promised that he would never force Zhang Pengpeng to do what she didn’t want to do again, and said that he would do everything possible to win Zhang Pengpeng’s sincerity. Zhang Pengpeng was moved.

Qi Cheng came to Youlan Palace to meet Jiang Yingyue, and Zhang Pengpeng sent Lv Li to inquire. Qi Cheng told Jiang Yingyue that if he kept her by his side, he would feel even more guilty towards the people in his heart, and that he wanted to give her a chance to be reborn. Jiang Yingyue couldn’t accept it, so Qi Sheng gave Jiang Yingyue a glass of poisoned wine. Jiang Yingyue recalled Qi Cheng’s appearance and drank the poisoned wine with Qi Cheng’s infinite attachment.

Zhang Pengpeng brings Lvli to the Youlan Palace, but finds that Jiang Yingyue is no longer there. It turned out that Jiang Yingyue was not really dead, but was taken out of the palace by Qi Cheng’s order. After the great victory in Yunxi, Qi Cheng sent an order to clean up the dust for Yang Yu who returned in triumph.

Zhang Pengpeng had a teasing look on his face, doctor Zhang diagnosed that it was due to yin deficiency, Zhang Pengpeng missed Qi Cheng a little bit, she fell in love with Qi Cheng unknowingly.

At Yang Yu’s reception banquet, Zhang Pengpeng was very considerate to Qi Cheng, and his words and deeds were very close, Qi Cheng was not used to it. Zhang Pengpeng talked with Zhao Wang. She felt that the Yang family was too popular for a while, and she thought that her queen’s position was about to be lost, but Zhao Wang didn’t think so.

Zhang Pengpeng asked Jiu Wang to remind Yang Yan not to be too showy so as not to get into trouble, and told Jiu Wang that he was in a mess and should not meet without necessity. Qi Cheng conspired with Yang Yu to let the queen know who she could rely on.

Yang Yan and Jiu Wang’s carriage collided with Yu Shi’s carriage, and Yu Shi made some excuses in front of the emperor to discuss the matter, which aroused the emperor’s fury.

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