Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 24 Recap & Review

Episode 24: Qi Cheng exposes Zhang Pengpeng, Yang Yu plays Infernal Affairs

Jiu Wang asked Zhang Pengpeng to meet, Zhang Pengpeng made an excuse to Qi Cheng that he wanted to go to Fuyuan Temple to seek marriage, Qi Cheng was worried after thinking about it, and proposed to take Zhang Pengpeng out of the palace. Fuyuan Temple is hidden in the deep mountains, Qi Cheng drags Zhang Pengpeng to climb the mountain, the tired Zhang Pengpeng complains endlessly. Qi Cheng reminded Zhang Pengpeng that if he came to Fuyuan Temple with other plans besides seeking marriage, he should give up as soon as possible.

Zhang Pengpeng explained with a guilty conscience that Qi Cheng was willing to tolerate all Zhang Pengpeng’s shortcomings and said that he would always love Zhang Pengpeng until she was willing to see the world side by side with him.

After hearing Qi Cheng’s words, Zhang Pengpeng felt conflicted. She asked Qi Cheng what he wanted to ask for in the temple. On the way to the temple, Qi Cheng made several hints in his words, which made Zhang Pengpeng feel that the situation was not right, thinking that Qi Cheng probably noticed that he and Jiu Wang had made an appointment to meet at Fuyuan Temple.

When Zhang Pengpeng was worried, Yang Yan and Zhang Lingling appeared talking and laughing. Zhang Lingling first pretended to meet Zhang Pengpeng by chance, and then pretended to fall into the water, so that Zhang Pengpeng, Jiu Wang and Yang Yu could meet. Yang Yu told Zhang PengPeng that after the emperor rehabilitated Yunxi, he would personally lead the army to go to Beimo. This is a good opportunity to move to Qi Cheng.

Qi Cheng asked Yang Yan why he was so close to the Nine Kings. Yang Yan said that the Nine Kings wanted to have good looks and a good figure, and they were also tender to him. Qi Cheng felt even more depressed after hearing Yang Yan’s nonsense. In the inner hall, Jiu Wang expressed his dissatisfaction with Zhang Pengpeng and Empress Qi Cheng’s deep affection. Zhang Pengpeng had no choice but to comfort him. She already had true feelings for Qi Cheng in her heart, but she couldn’t tell Jiu Wang.

Yang Yu reported to Qi Cheng the agreement between Jiu Wang and Zhang Pengpeng. It turned out that he was Qi Cheng’s most trusted person, and Qi Cheng sent him undercover in the alliance between Zhang Pengpeng and Jiu Wang. Zhang Pengpeng waited for Qi Cheng at Daming Palace and told him that he met Yang Yu at Fuyuan Temple because Yang Yan and Zhang Lingling were going to divorce. Zhang Pengpeng said that he had met Jiu Wang and mentioned Jiang’s matter. Qi Cheng finally couldn’t bear it and told Zhang Pengpeng that he already knew that every time she told him it was a lie.

Qi Cheng was saddened by Zhang Pengpeng’s deception to him, and got drunk in Daming Palace. Because of love and hatred, Qi Cheng, who couldn’t bear it anymore, broke into Xingsheng Palace with a sword, and wanted to kill Zhang Pengpeng. Qi Cheng exposed all Zhang Pengpeng’s lies, Zhang Pengpeng was angry and Qi Cheng fought, and the two extremely sad people had a relationship.

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