Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 23 Recap & Review

Episode 23: Lvli teaches Su Xiaorou a lesson, Qi Cheng loves Zhang Pengpeng bitterly

Zhang Pengpeng came to see Qi Cheng and told him that he had met Su Xiaorou. Qi Cheng asked Zhang Pengpeng what he had talked about with her, but Zhang Pengpeng only said that it was an old acquaintance who met and exchanged greetings. Seeing that Zhang Pengpeng was not jealous, Qi Cheng felt bad.

In the Daming Palace, Lvli, as a maid in charge of the empress palace, picks and chooses Jiang Yingyue, whose alias is Su Xiaorou, and tosses her to fan the wind and pour water for herself. Unexpectedly, it harms others instead of itself.

Zhang Pengpeng pretended to be gentle and virtuous in front of Qi Cheng, but Qi Cheng was not happy. She made durian porridge for Qi Cheng with her own hands. Qi Cheng kept his face but actually liked it very much.

Yang Yu won the battle in Yunxi, Qi Cheng was overjoyed. Zhang Pengpeng thought that Qi Cheng ignored him because of Su Xiaorou. Qi Cheng came to visit the Empress Dowager, and bluntly said that he and the Empress were getting farther and farther apart.

In order to make the empress feel harmonious, the empress dowager decided to help them, and played a scene to make Zhang Pengpeng jealous of Jiang Yingyue, thereby narrowing the distance with Qi Cheng.

At the banquet, Zhao Wang and the eunuchs in green danced the peacock dance, looking very obscene and disgusting. The emperor attended the banquet with Jiang’s splendid attire, which aroused discussions among the concubines, and Qi Cheng formally introduced Su Xiaorou to everyone. Zhao Wang didn’t want to see his ex-wife, so he pretended to twist his neck halfway through the dance, but Lv Li was very jealous of this.

Zhao Wang told Zhang Pengpeng that he had a good impression of Lvli, and that he had no old feelings for his ex-wife. Zhao Wang once again reminded Zhang Pengpeng to please Qi Cheng. He believed that Jiang Yingyue and Qi Cheng were more of a habit than love. The person Qi Cheng really liked was Zhang Pengpeng. Zhang Pengpeng decided to use Qi Cheng’s love for her to make a big deal, and she decided to try her best to win back Qi Cheng’s heart.

Zhang Pengpeng came to Daming Palace to deliver durian soup to Qi Cheng, drove away Su Xiaorou, and said that he wanted to take care of the emperor with a handful of shit and urine. Qi Cheng deliberately brought up Su Xiaorou’s matter to make Zhang Pengpeng jealous, but Zhang Pengpeng didn’t understand Qi Cheng’s real intention. Tired of grinding, Zhang Pengpeng fell asleep at his desk, and was gently carried to the bed by Qi Cheng.

The whole palace knew that the queen stayed overnight in Xingsheng Palace, the emperor got up late and missed the early court affairs, Su Xiaorou was very jealous, the concubines also talked about their love for the emperor, even the Nine Kings couldn’t hold back anymore.

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