Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 21 Recap & Review

Episode 21: Qi Cheng overturns the vinegar jar, and Lv Li becomes Princess Zhao

Qi Cheng recognized at a glance that the purse hanging on Jiu Wang’s body was embroidered by Zhang Pengpeng, he was very concerned and proposed to marry Jiu Wang in public, but Jiu Wang refused.

At the banquet, there was a strong smell of gunpowder between Qi Cheng and Qi Han, and Zhang Pengpeng felt uneasy. Lv Li quietly told Zhang Pengpeng that he had beaten Zhao Wang, and Zhang Pengpeng suddenly felt overwhelmed.

After drinking, Qi Cheng came to Xingsheng Palace and asked Zhang Pengpeng how many purses he had made. Zhang Pengpeng realized that Qi Cheng found out that she had given the purse to Jiu Wang, so she had to say that she had given the purse to her son.

Qi Cheng asked Zhang Pengpeng why he came back to the banquet so late, Lv Li thought Qi Cheng was furious because he beat Zhao Wang, but unexpectedly the matter became darker and darker, Qi Cheng left in a rage.

Eunuch Qiang came to report the news, saying that the emperor ordered Lvli to be killed with a stick. Zhang Pengpeng realized the seriousness of the matter, so she took Lvli to Zhao Wang. Under Zhang Pengpeng’s intimidation, Zhao Wang finally agreed to marry Lvli.

Zhang PengPeng took Zhao Wang and Lv Li to see the Empress Dowager. Zhao Wang said that he was no longer sad about Jiang’s affairs because he had fallen in love with Lv Li. The Empress Dowager happily fulfilled Zhao Wang and Lvli, and also sealed Lvli as a child. Finally, Lvli was saved from death, but Eunuch Qiang was very reluctant to part with his beloved Lvli, and was very sad. And Lvli did not marry Zhao Wang willingly.

Qi Cheng was very furious when he learned that Lvli was given to King Zhao. He just hoped that Zhang Pengpeng would admit his mistake to him, but unexpectedly Zhang Pengpeng didn’t understand his own heart. Qi Cheng, who was frustrated by Zhang Pengpeng, was in a bad mood. He came to the Youlan Palace to visit Jiang Yingyue, and Jiang Yingyue was considerate to Qi Cheng.

Qi Cheng sighed that Zhang Pengpeng could not understand herself like Jiang Yingyue. Jiang Yingyue took the opportunity to express that she was willing to be reduced to a maidservant and stay with Qi Cheng in the palace. Qi Cheng agreed to Jiang Yingyue’s request.

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