Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 20 Recap & Review

Episode 20: Pengpeng gave birth to a prince, and the Nine Kings received a purse

Zhang Pengpeng accidentally tripped and fell to the ground in her own palace. She was very worried about the baby in her womb. After the doctor’s pulse diagnosis, she was sure that she was safe and sound, but the doctor told her that the day of labor might be two days away. Zhang Pengpeng was in a complicated mood, she told Lvli to use jewels to manage the guards, and she had to go out of the palace tonight.

Zhang Pengpeng came to the Jiuwang Mansion with a big belly. When she saw the Jiuwang, her words flickered. She was worried that the Jiuwang would be bad for her children. Jiuwang Qicheng said that she would keep her promise, but Zhang Pengpeng still hesitated. In Zhang Pengpeng’s hand, he said that if she didn’t believe it, she could stab herself to death.

Zhang Pengpeng finally figured out that Qi Han would not even sacrifice his life for himself, let alone the throne. Zhang Pengpeng feels that he owes Jiu Wang too much, and he doesn’t know how to repay. Jiu Wang only hopes that Zhang Pengpeng can remember the sacrifice he made for her.

Zhang Pengpeng was finally about to give birth, and was enduring the pain of childbirth on the bed. Qi Cheng felt sorry for his queen and ordered the imperial doctor to find a way to relieve the pain. Before the imperial physician could think of a solution, news of the queen’s hemorrhage came out in the palace. Qi Cheng was very worried. After Zhang Pengpeng’s hard work, he finally gave birth to the prince.

Qi Cheng held Zhang Pengpeng’s hand by the bed, Qi Cheng told her that the child’s eyebrows and eyes resembled hers, and Zhang Pengpeng had mixed emotions in his heart. Lu Li said that Zhang Pengpeng became more feminine after giving birth, but Zhang Pengpeng said that he was always a pure man in his heart. Zhang Pengpeng embroidered a purse for him in order to thank Jiuwang Qihan for his deep friendship.

When Qi Cheng came to Xingsheng Palace, he almost saw the purse that Zhang Pengpeng embroidered for King Jiu. Qi Cheng told Zhang Pengpeng that today is the daytime of the little prince, and he wanted to celebrate. He named the little prince Qi Hao, and Zhang Pengpeng was dissatisfied with Qi Cheng’s complicated and difficult name for the child.

The Empress Dowager accused Zhao Wang of being in a state of despair because of Jiang Yingyue’s affairs and asked the Nine Kings if he had a favorite. The Nine Kings said no, but the Empress Dowager exposed the lie.

The empress dowager was very dissatisfied with Yang Yan’s intimate behavior towards Nine King Qi Han, who picked up food and poured wine. She suspected that Yang Yan and Qi Han were short-sleeved, and Zhang Pengpeng quickly excused them.

At the door of the toilet, Jiu Wang met Zhang Pengpeng again. Jiu Wang gave a long-life lock to the little prince, which also represented his love for Zhang Pengpeng. Zhang Pengpeng presented the embroidered purse to Jiu Wang, saying that he would always remember that Qi Cheng wanted to kill him, and Qi Han saved him.

Zhang Pengpeng and Lvli met the drunk Jiu Wang again. Jiu Wang said that he had seen through the world, Zhang Pengpeng was angry and mourned for his misfortune.

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