Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 19 Recap & Review

Episode 19: Qi Cheng made a vow for love, Qi Han gave up the throne for love

Zhang Pengpeng started to embroider Qi Cheng’s purse, but who didn’t know how to embroider at all suffered a lot before she finally finished it. Five days later, Qi Cheng came to Xingsheng Palace and saw Zhang Pengpeng’s bruised hands, and that ugly embroidered purse.

Qi Cheng took Zhang Pengpeng to the tower to enjoy the scenery of Shengdu, but Zhang Pengpeng lacked interest and said that he felt cold, Qi Cheng thoughtfully hugged her in his arms, Zhang Pengpeng shyly pushed him away. Qi Cheng took the initiative to talk about the past between himself and Jiang Yingyue, saying that he had always felt sorry for Jiang Yingyue, and hoped that Zhang Pengpeng could understand his attitude towards Jiang, but Zhang Pengpeng had no interest in their relationship.

Qi Cheng bluntly asked Zhang Pengpeng if she hated herself. Zhang Pengpeng said frankly that she already knew that Qi Cheng was behind her assassination in Jiangbei. She also said that she didn’t hate Qi Cheng anymore because she was already desperate for him.

Qi Cheng is very fascinated by Zhang Pengpeng, and makes a bet with Zhang Pengpeng that he can protect Zhang Pengpeng for the rest of his life. If he wins, Zhang Pengpeng will devote himself wholeheartedly to himself and share the world with him. Even though Qi Cheng is affectionate, Zhang Pengpeng, who used to be a man, doesn’t believe in the man’s oath.

After Zhang Pengpeng thought about it, she felt very scared. She was worried that the child in her stomach would make Jiu Wang feel threatened because they were all people who might become emperors. For the sake of her child, Zhang Pengpeng decided to ask Jiu Wang to give up the throne. In the Huayue Building on the Spring River, Zhang Pengpeng met Jiu Wang, Yang Yan and Yang Yan’s father, General Yang, and the three talked about the situation in the army.

Zhang Pengpeng knelt down and begged Jiu Wang not to compete with his unborn child for the throne. Jiuwang Qihan expressed his heart to Zhang Pengpeng and agreed to Zhang Pengpeng’s request. Zhang Pengpeng was very grateful.

In the middle of the night, Qi Cheng came to Zhang Pengpeng’s bed and held her in his arms. The two got along very warmly.

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