Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 18 Recap & Review

Episode 18: Yang Yan meets the right girl, and Zhang Yang’s alliance becomes stronger

Under the peach blossom tree in Xingsheng Palace, there stood a beautiful woman. She was graceful and beautiful. Yang Yan was very tempted when he saw it and fell in love at first sight. It turned out that this woman was Zhang Lingling, the eldest daughter of General Zhang Ling.

Zhang Pengpeng asked Yang Yan if he was satisfied with Zhang Lingling. Yang Yan said he was 100% satisfied. Zhang Pengpeng asked about Yang Yan’s opinion, but Zhang Lingling said that the man he likes must meet three conditions. Zhang Pengpeng knew that Yang Yan did not meet any of the conditions, but in order to facilitate the marriage of the two, he had to train Yang Yan, and Yang Yan felt overwhelmed.

Zhang Pengpeng took Yang Yan back to Zhang’s house to meet the parents, and Fan proposed to check Zhang Lingling’s marriage. At the banquet, Fan tested Yang Yan’s drinking capacity, Zhang Pengpeng and Yang Yan were surprised by Zhang Pengpeng’s drinking capacity. The Zhang family got Yang Yan drunk, and Fan finally recognized Yang Yan as Zhang’s son-in-law.

Qi Cheng reminded Zhang Pengpeng not to be busy helping others on blind dates every day, but to take care of his own body and children. Qi Cheng brought a bunch of books to Zhang Pengpeng and asked her to give prenatal education to the child.

Zhang Pengpeng could only apologize and thus avoided the pain of reading. Qi Cheng also asked Zhang Pengpeng to learn embroidery, and gave her five days to embroider a purse for herself, Zhang Pengpeng complained endlessly.

Zhang PengPeng called Zhang Ling Ling and reminded her to get along well with Yang Yan after marriage and strengthen the alliance between the Zhang family and the Yang family. The smart Zhang Ling Ling understood Zhang PengPeng’s good intentions very well.

Qi Cheng used flower arrangements to remind Zhang Pengpeng not to push himself forward, Zhang Pengpeng took the opportunity to ask him to marry Yang Yan and Zhang Lingling, Qi Cheng agreed, and asked Zhang Pengpeng to stay in Xingsheng Palace to raise the baby, Zhang Pengpeng felt that he was being disguised Grounded.

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