Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 17 Recap & Review

Episode 17: The queen implements the rotation system, and the concubines collectively become monks

Father-in-law Qiang came to Xingsheng Palace with cages and books and told Zhang Pengpeng that the emperor was worried that she would react badly during pregnancy and decided to move into Xingsheng Palace to take care of her, but Zhang Pengpeng was very resistant.

After some thinking, Zhang Pengpeng came up with a good idea to keep Qi Cheng from bothering him, that is to implement a rotation system, and let the concubines in the harem serve Qi Cheng in turn.

In order to avoid Qi Cheng’s opposition to this system, Zhang Pengpeng proposed that the country’s finances are tight, and the concubines are asked to use their own private money as military pay to solve Qi Cheng’s urgent needs, so that Qi Cheng can sit back and relax and is willing to accept the concubines.

With a big pregnant belly, Zhang Pengpeng brought the gold, silver, and jewelry donated by the concubines to meet the emperor, and also told about the rotation system he had come up with, but Qi Cheng was very angry, thinking that Zhang Pengpeng had sold himself. Seeing that Qi Cheng wasn’t tempted, Zhang Pengpeng adopted a gentle policy and acted like a baby to Qi Cheng, and finally got Qi Cheng to agree to take turns sleeping in bed.

In the Daming Palace, Qi Cheng was still reviewing the memorials late at night, and Eunuch Qiang reminded him that according to the rotation system, Concubine Huang should be in bed, but Qi Sheng was unwilling to share the bed with Concubine Huang, and Concubine Huang self-righteously took out the aphrodisiac Jin Ge Dedicating it to Qi Cheng, Qi Cheng reprimanded him a lot.

In the Xingsheng Palace, the concubines came to Zhang Pengpeng crying, saying that they did not get the benefits of the rotation system, and they were empty of money and people, and they were all sad to prepare to become a monk. Zhang Pengpeng did everything he could and found out that the concubines were not really wanting to get married when they made a group of monks.

Zhang Pengpeng approached Zhao Wang and asked him if he knew whether Qi Cheng had been stimulated by a woman before, but Zhao Wang said that Qi Cheng was a clean and dedicated person. Zhang Pengpeng could never forget Qi Cheng’s attempt to kill herself when she was in Jiangbei, and she could not shake her determination to kill Qi Cheng.

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