Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 16 Recap & Review

Episode 16: Jiang Yingyue admits to a fake pregnancy, Zhang Pengpeng is really happy

Zhang Pengpeng is going to play a good show of abortion and asks everyone to ensure that Jiang can give birth smoothly. Lv Li hurried back to Xingsheng Palace, she told Zhang Pengpeng that the empress dowager knew about Jiang’s pregnancy and had already taken the miscarriage medicine to Youlan Palace, Zhang Pengpeng hurried to comfort Jiang Yingyue. Jiang Yingyue thinks that Zhang Pengpeng’s concern is fake, and confesses that she is not pregnant, and also admits that Zhang Pengpeng was framed by a portrait before.

Jiang Yingyue cries that she has nothing to do, and Zhang Pengpeng kindly persuades her to take good care of Qi Cheng. Lv Li thinks it is a good thing that Jiang Yingyue is not pregnant, but Zhang Pengpeng thinks that this incident makes him lose the excuse to bring down Qi Cheng.

Doctor Zhang came to Xingsheng Palace to check Zhang Pengpeng’s pulse and told her that she was really pregnant. Zhang Pengpeng collapsed and lost control again.

Qi Cheng came to visit Zhang Pengpeng, Zhang Pengpeng made excuses not to give birth to a child, but Qi Cheng said that he was very happy when he knew that he had this child, and warned Zhang Pengpeng that if he dared to do anything to the child, he would never let her go.

Yang Yanye visited Xingsheng Palace and brought Zhang Pengpeng the duck neck she wanted to eat. Zhang Pengpeng was very happy. Zhang Pengpeng chatted with Yang Yan. Yang Yan hoped that the wife he would marry in the future would also be named Zhang. Zhang Pengpeng promised to help her keep an eye on her cousins ​​when she returned to her natal home.

In the Youlan Hall, Jiang Yingyue danced alone, and Qi Cheng came to see her in the palace. Qi Cheng bluntly said that Jiang Yingyue became ruthless and scheming after entering the palace. Jiang Yingyue said that what she did was all because of love, and Qi Cheng severely reprimanded her, telling her not to use love to threaten herself again. Jiang Yingyue, who had lost Qi Cheng, collapsed to the ground, heartbroken.

Zhang Pengpeng came to Xingsheng Palace with his mother, and Fan cried with joy when he learned that his daughter was pregnant. Zhang Pengpeng said that he wanted to introduce someone to Yang Yan, and asked if there was a suitable candidate in his family. Fan mentioned Zhang Lingling, a girl from the clan.

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