Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 15 Recap & Review

Episode 15: Zhang Pengpeng was framed, Jiang Yingyue did all the tricks

Nine kings Qihan and Zhang Pengpeng met in the toilet, Qi Han didn’t understand why she asked him to meet in such a dirty place, Zhang Pengpeng explained that the two had an indissoluble bond with the toilet. Qi Han was very resentful when he talked about the trivial things that he was always assigned since he was promoted. Zhang Pengpeng bluntly said that he was not pregnant, but the strategy of the Zhang family, and the covenant between the two would not be affected in the slightest.

Qi Han calmly said that he knew it, Zhang Pengpeng told him that Jiang Shi was pregnant with Qi Cheng’s child, and Qi Han said he knew it too. Zhang Pengpeng asked Qi Han’s opinion on this matter. Qi Han said that as long as Jiang Yingyue gave birth to a prince, it would be against the rules. Zhang Pengpeng also thought that Jiang Yingyue couldn’t tolerate herself as a queen, but the ministers in the court would not tolerate Jiang’s being a queen either.

The two of them made a plan and decided not to do anything, just sit and watch Qi Cheng go wrong step by step. Jiang Yingyue met Zhang Pengpeng in the Youlan Palace, and Zhang Pengpeng reminded himself not to be unstoppable with Jiang Yingyue.

Zhang Pengpeng smelled the incense in the house and was fascinated. Jiang Yingyue deliberately revealed her intimate relationship with Qi Cheng, but Zhang Pengpeng was not jealous at all, and said that her children were not important, but Jiang Yingyue’s children were. Jiang Yingyue deliberately showed off Qi Cheng’s painting for herself.

A few days later, it was rumored in the palace that Jiang had lost his portrait, and the person who stole the painting was the queen. Qi Cheng’s concubines rushed to Xingsheng Palace to remind Zhang Pengpeng, Zhang Pengpeng felt puzzled. Lvli was worried about her own mother, so she talked to Qiang Gonggong. Qiang Gonggong said that he didn’t know what was going on, but told her that almost everyone in the harem had such a portrait, and it was not a rare item. Qi Cheng found Jiu Wang and entrusted him with investigating the loss of Jiang’s portrait.

In the middle of the night, Yang Yan came to Xingsheng Palace and found Jiang Yingyue’s portrait in Zhang Pengpeng’s medicine cabinet. Yang Yan told Jiu Wang about it. . The man in black sent by Jiang Yingyue saw the investigators go to Xingsheng Palace and found the portrait. Jiang Yingyue gave the man in black money and ordered him to leave the place forever. The spies sent by the emperor told the truth about the missing portrait of the emperor.

Early the next morning, Jiuwang Qihan and Yang Yan appeared in Xingsheng Palace hand in hand. Zhang Pengpeng said with a smile that they really had an affair. Yang Yan told Zhang Pengpeng that if Jiang Yingyue was lost, it was in her palace. , and by the way, complained about Zhang Pengpeng’s poor sleeping posture.

Zhang Pengpeng took the portrait and went to meet the emperor with Qi Han. Qi Cheng told them that Jiang had framed Zhang Pengpeng. Zhang Pengpeng told him that he was a committed person and would always choose to trust him.

Zhang Pengpeng saw the portraits Qi Cheng gave to the concubines, Qi Cheng’s painters were really not flattering. Jiang, who had been waiting for Qi Cheng for a long time, drank to drink away his sorrows in the Youlan Palace, feeling depressed.

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