Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 14 Recap & Review

Episode 14: Jiang Yingyue claims to be pregnant, Zhang Pengpeng concludes a covenant

The sexy Zhang Pengpeng stood in the center of the heart-shaped candles, with flowing black hair and a charming smile. Qi Cheng was amazed when he saw it. Zhang Pengpeng wondered why Qi Cheng came, but Qi Cheng asked if she didn’t invite him to discuss important matters. Qi Cheng understood the painstaking efforts of the imperial grandmother, Zhang Pengpeng said that he was a donkey and he was a wild horse.

In desperation, Qi Cheng decided to spend the night in Zhang Pengpeng’s palace, but he insisted on sleeping in separate beds with Zhang Pengpeng. Outside the Xingsheng Palace, the Empress Dowager thought her method had worked, and ordered Lv Li to stand on guard so that no one would disturb the Emperor and Empress.

At night, Qi Cheng looked at Zhang Pengpeng’s charming back, unable to fall asleep for a long time, but Zhang Pengpeng’s sleeping appearance was not flattering. Father-in-law Qiang rushed to report to the emperor, saying that something happened in Youlan Palace, the emperor was hesitant about Zhang Pengpeng’s feelings, but Zhang Pengpeng persuaded the emperor to leave by pretending to be indifferent.

Jiu Wang asked Yang Yan to bring Zhang Pengpeng a golden triangle to show her that he was willing to make a covenant with her. Zhang Pengpeng told Lvli that this thing came at the right time.

Qi Cheng went to the Youlan Hall to visit Jiang Yingyue after morning court. Jiang Yingyue asked Qi Cheng to visit her every day, and also talked about the past of the two childhood sweethearts. Qi Cheng said that the past should not be mentioned again, and Jiang Yingyue felt bitter.

Zhang Pengpeng wanted to hang up the Golden Triangle, and she took this as her goal in life, and began to try her best. Qi Cheng came to Xingsheng Palace and wanted to apologize to Zhang Pengpeng, but Zhang Pengpeng said with a gun and a stick, and Qi Cheng was angry. Lv Li complained that Zhang Pengpeng and Qi Cheng had a bad attitude when talking, but Zhang Pengpeng said that it was Qi Cheng who was unkind, and he himself was unrighteous.

Qi Cheng came to Youlan Palace to visit Jiang Yingyue, who had attempted suicide, and Jiang Yingyue told him that she was pregnant with his child. Qi Cheng took pity on Jiang Yingyue and said that he would treat the child well and give him a title. Qi Cheng stood outside Xingsheng Palace with a heavy heart, he didn’t know how to explain the matter of Jiang Yingyue and the child to Zhang Pengpeng, he was worried that Zhang Pengpeng would be sad.

Doctor Zhang routinely took the Queen’s pulse and diagnosed that the Queen was pregnant, but Zhang Pengpeng was hit hard. As a man, she could hardly accept this fact. Zhang Pengpeng was surprised when he saw the children’s clothes sent by Zhang’s family. Lv Li had no choice but to tell the truth. It turned out that Zhang Pengpeng was not pregnant, but Zhang’s family bribed Doctor Zhang to pretend that she was pregnant.

Lvli told Zhang Pengpeng that Jiang Yingyue was pregnant, and the Zhang family was worried that Zhang Pengpeng would be bullied by Jiang Yingyue, so they made such a bad move. Zhang Pengpeng was not only not sad, but relieved. She asked Lvli to send a message to the Zhang family, demanding that Jiang Yingyue’s child must be kept.

Qi Cheng took care of Zhang Pengpeng in every possible way, but Zhang Pengpeng reminded him not to neglect the Youlan Palace, and expressed his understanding that he was happy about Jiang Yingyue’s pregnancy. He has no friendship, so he overturns the table and walks away.

Zhang Pengpeng told Lvli that it would be better to let herself die than to let herself have a child. At the same time, she was more worried that the news of her pregnancy would hit Jiuwang, which would impact the alliance between the two. She asked Lvli to send a message to Jiuwang, saying that she to see him.

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