Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 13 Recap & Review

Episode 13: The statue of David caused a storm, Qi Cheng wanted to break up with Jiang

The empress dowager called all the concubines to her palace, and invited everyone to enjoy Zhang Sanqian’s midsummer scenery porcelain vase with herself. Zhang Pengpeng realized that the porcelain vase that the empress dowager said was the statue of David sent by mistake from her palace. She tried her best to prevent the empress dowager from displaying the porcelain vase, but failed.

When the concubines saw David’s naked portrait, they exclaimed. The Empress Dowager was very angry and ordered someone to investigate the matter thoroughly. Zhang Pengpeng complained incessantly.

In desperation, Zhang Pengpeng had to admit to the empress dowager that it was his fault, and told her that the person he was protecting was the emperor Qi Cheng, and that the reason why Qi Cheng hid such indecent things was to increase the interest of the couple and have children early, and that Qi Cheng wanted to use the aphrodisiac medicine Jin Ge to capture his heart. The empress dowager heard that they did this for the sake of the royal heirs, and expressed her support and understanding.

Unexpectedly, there was another wave of ups and downs. Qi Cheng brought the statue of David to Zhang Pengpeng’s palace and asked her why the imperial grandmother claimed that it belonged to her.

Zhang Pengpeng didn’t want Qi Cheng to see the statue of David, so he pretended to smash the statue by mistake, and finally covered up the matter. Qi Cheng handed the letter with the lyrics of Little Apple to Zhang Pengpeng, and said that she had to reflect on the delivery error this time.

Outside the palace, Eunuch Qiang and Lvli are chatting and laughing. It turns out that Eunuch Qiang sent the letter to Lvli. After learning the truth, Qi Cheng lifted Eunuch Qiang’s order to keep a distance of three meters from himself.

In the Youlan Palace, Jiang Yingyue danced alone. She received a courier from Qi Cheng, and the box contained bergamot cut in half. The courier bluntly said that this might mean breaking up. Jiang Yingyue was hit hard when she learned that Qi Cheng was going to break up with her, and felt unacceptable. She put the blame on Zhang Pengpeng.

The Empress Dowager summoned Lvli and Qiang Gonggong and ordered them to arrange a romantic and sweet place so that the emperor and queen could have children early. The Empress Dowager put Zhang Pengpeng in a very sexy dress and claimed that it was designed by herself. The empress dowager also prepared gold for the emperor, but Zhang Pengpeng ran away impatiently.

Eunuch Qiang and Lvli sit outside the palace and look at the stars. Eunuch Qiang expresses his affection for Lvli. Lvli reminds him not to forget that he is a eunuch. Eunuch Qiang feels very sad.

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