Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 12 Recap & Review

Episode 12: Zhang Pengpeng sent a statue of David by mistake, Qi Cheng misunderstood the eunuch’s crush on him

In the Shengning Palace, the Empress Dowager chatted with Zhang Pengpeng about LeTV Mall, and praised her for her good idea. Since the LeTV Mall, the concubines have become more harmonious. She asked Zhang Pengpeng to help her find a midsummer scenery porcelain vase of Zhang Sanqian, and Zhang Pengpeng said that the matter was her own.

In the garden, Zhang Pengpeng met a father-in-law who resells art and got the midsummer scenery porcelain vase as she wished. She also asked if there were other good products. The father-in-law was very confident in his business. Zhang Pengpeng accidentally found a nude statue of David in the cave where the father-in-law stored goods. This was contraband in ancient society. The father-in-law was worried that Zhang Pengpeng would report him, so he knelt down and begged for mercy. Zhang Pengpeng realized that it was a rare item, so he came to bring it back.

In the Queen’s Palace, Zhang Pengpeng found that the statue of David was missing, and hurriedly searched for it. Lv Li remembered that he might have mistakenly mailed it to the Empress Dowager’s Palace when he was picking up the goods by courier.

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Lv Li panicked. began to cry. Zhang Pengpeng hurriedly went to Yang Yan to find the courier, but he searched all the couriers but couldn’t find it.

The emperor asked Eunuch Qiang about express delivery and realized that the open and closed-loop ecosystem that the queen said was really convenient, so the emperor asked Eunuch Qiang to send something for him. The emperor received an urgent mail from LeTV Mall, which contained a letter containing the lyrics of Little Apple, signed by Eunuch Qiang.

The emperor calmly asked Eunuch Qiang to write the words “little apple” on the paper and found that the font was exactly the same as that on the letter. The emperor didn’t know that the courier sent the wrong things, but he mistakenly thought that the urgent mail was a love letter written by Qiang Gonggong, and he was secretly annoyed.

Eunuch Qiang served the emperor to get up as usual, but the emperor felt awkward when he saw Eunuch Qiang, thinking that he had a crush on him, and ordered him to keep a distance of three meters from him in the future. The strong father-in-law who didn’t know the truth was very innocent and wronged.

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