Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 11 Recap & Review

Episode 11: Pengpeng builds a LeTV mall, and the concubines in the harem shop like crazy

Zhang Pengpeng enjoys the feeling of being under one person and above ten thousand people, but Lv Li said that the emperor is the happiest person in the world if he has a queen. Qi Cheng came to visit Zhang Pengpeng and wanted to have a drink with him, but Zhang Pengpeng didn’t want to get close to Qi Cheng,

Qi Cheng said he would leave after chatting for a while. Qi Cheng told Zhang Pengpeng about the past when he first met Zhang Pengpeng when he was nine years old and was five years old. It turned out that Cheng Zu gave the emperor Qi Cheng the crown prince because he loved his house and his family. Because Zhang Pengpeng was very cute when he was young, and his personality was like Qi Cheng’s grandmother.

Cheng Zu thought that anyone who married Zhang Pengpeng would be lucky. Qi Cheng was very emotional when he recalled the past, but Zhang Pengpeng rushed him away and asked Qiang Gonggong to take the emperor to Youlan Palace for the night, but Qi Cheng went back to Daming Palace.

In order to prevent Zhang Pengpeng from being wronged, Lv Li secretly monitored the Youlan Palace, and she told Zhang Pengpeng that the emperor did not spend the night in the Youlan Palace. The concubines in the harem often come to the queen because of some trivial matters, and Zhang Pengpeng is very upset about this. Today, they come to the queen to uphold justice for Jiang Yingyue in the Youlan Palace.

After listening to the gossip of the concubines, Zhang Pengpeng finally understood that they wanted him to stand up for them, but the weeping concubines suddenly changed the topic to cosmetics, put aside the matter of Jiang Yingyue, and instead talked about waterproof rouge powder, which made Zhang Pengpeng feel baffled.

Zhang Pengpeng complained to Lv Li that he hadn’t stopped since he became a queen, and dealt with some neighborhood disputes for concubines every day, but Lv Li thought this was the lovely side of women. Zhang Pengpeng thought that the friendship between women could only be built on shopping, buying clothes and going to the bathroom, so she thought of a way to unite the harem.

Zhang Pengpeng came to the emperor and told him that he planned to build a LeTV mall so that the women in the harem could have spiritual sustenance and stop causing trouble. Colleagues, she also emphasized to the emperor the importance of express delivery for women. Zhang Pengpeng’s idea was approved by Qi Cheng.

The business of LeTV Mall was booming right after it opened, and Jiu Wang and Yang Yan were about to lose their hand in writing the express delivery list. Zhao Wang was also mobilized by Zhang Pengpeng to participate.

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