Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 10 Recap & Review

Episode 10: Jiang Yingyue moved into the Youlan Palace, Zhang Pengpeng was promoted to Queen

Zhang Pengpeng and Lvli put cucumber slices on their faces in the palace, Zhang Pengpeng was worried that she would become a mother, she felt angry when she thought of Qi Cheng, and complained that he locked her in Jiangbei for so long. Zhang Pengpeng came to Qi Cheng for a theory but found that Qi Cheng was enjoying the massage of two beauties. She blamed Qi Cheng. Qi Cheng explained that he hired a masseuse to heal his injuries, but Zhang Pengpeng didn’t believe it. Qi Cheng ordered the masseur to leave with sign language, and Zhang Pengpeng discovered that the two beauties were both blind and deaf-mute.

Zhang Pengpeng and Lvli met Zhao Wang who was drunk. Zhang Pengpeng hated Zhao Wang’s assassination in Jiangbei. She decided to take revenge and ordered Lvli to beat Zhao Wang. Zhao Wang told them that the people in the mansion lied to him that Jiang Yingyue died suddenly, but he knew that she was picked up by Qi Cheng. He confessed that he couldn’t understand if Jiang Yingyue would treat him like this if he and Qi Cheng changed their identities. Zhang Pengpeng sympathized with him very much but at the same time worried that he would not be crowned queen.

Qi Cheng suddenly appeared beside Zhang Peng Peng, and dragged her to the remote Youlan Hall in the palace. Qi Cheng told Zhang Pengpeng that Jiang Yingyue was in the Youlan Palace and had suffered a lot, and that he had failed him. At the same time, he also said that he was ashamed of Zhao Wang, because Zhao Wang’s mud could not support the wall and could not take care of Jiang Yingyue, so he took her into the palace.

Qi Cheng sincerely hopes that Zhang Pengpeng can tolerate Jiang Yingyue, Zhang Pengpeng thinks that the reason why Qi Cheng named himself queen so quickly is to keep back, but on the surface he still shows a very understanding look.

Qi Cheng and Zhang Pengpeng walked into the Youlan Palace to visit Jiang Yingyue, and when they heard Jiang Yingyue’s weak cough, Zhang Pengpeng felt sorry for Jiang Yingyue again, and actually fiddled with Jiang Yingyue in front of Qi Cheng, wantonly taking advantage of Jiang Yingyue, and was driven away by Qi Cheng.

Jiang Yingyue said to Qicheng that her sister was very different from before, and Qi Cheng also thought so, Jiang Yingyue asked Qi Cheng if he thought Zhang Pengpeng was fresher than herself, and also mentioned the promise of a lifetime, Qi Cheng was noncommittal. Jiang Yingyue thinks that Qi Cheng loves her, and Qi Cheng confesses that his feelings for her and Zhang Pengpeng have changed.

Jiang Yingyue is worried that Qi Cheng will abandon her, so she hastily interrupted the conversation with a cough. Qi Cheng walked outside the hall and found that Zhang Pengpeng was already sitting outside taking a nap. Qi Cheng reminded Zhang Pengpeng to be elegant anytime and anywhere, Zhang Pengpeng was a little jealous inside and outside the words.

In order to humiliate Jiu Wang, Qi Cheng specially asked him to host Zhang Pengpeng’s post-sealing ceremony. Jiu Wang Qihan came to see Zhang Pengpeng. Zhang Pengpeng told him his theory of golden triangle alliance because she was worried that Jiang Yingyue would sooner or later be the queen.

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