Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 1 Recap & Review

Go Princess Go (2015) 太子妃升职记 Episode 1 Recap & Review

Episode 1: The playboy was plotted against, and after time travel, he became a princess

The playboy Zhang Peng shuttled among the beauties at the party, flirting with women everywhere, having a great time. But the ex-girlfriends who were let down by him ruthlessly and held grudges were on their way to kill him. His friend advised Zhang Peng not to be too careless, otherwise, his character would be ruined. Zhang Peng didn’t take it seriously, thinking that it wasn’t his fault that a woman fell in love with him before he finished his two sentences.

While the two were discussing that the boss’s woman had a peachy face and a beautiful face, Zhang Peng’s three ex-girlfriends had already entered the party scene and made a plan to split up. The boss’s woman slipped into the water, and Zhang Peng felt so sorry for her and jumped into the water to save her.

In the early morning, Zhang Peng was awakened by the urge to urinate, and after getting up in a daze, he found that his body, which was originally a man, had turned into a woman. He exclaimed in surprise, but his voice turned into a sweet voice. Zhang Peng was shocked by the sudden change. He looked around the quaint room and felt inexplicable panic. Seeing himself in the mirror, he seemed to have become a real woman.

Recalling everything that happened at the party before, Zhang Peng realized that he did not die, but traveled to ancient times. At this moment, a little girl led the imperial physician into the house recklessly, and was very happy to see Zhang Peng woke up, claiming that if he didn’t wake up, maybe the Jiang family would kill her husband, King Zhao, and spend all day and night with the prince Qingqing me.

Zhang Peng couldn’t understand what the little girl was saying at all. After some hard explanations, Zhang Peng finally understood that he had transmigrated into Zhang Pengpeng, the princess, and the little girl beside him was Lv Li, Zhang Pengpeng’s personal servant. Changing from a man to a woman, Zhang Peng found it difficult to accept this fact.

Zhang Peng believed that he could travel back to the modern society only by dying. He frantically adopted various suicide methods such as cutting himself with scissors, hanging himself, and jumping into the river, but all failed. Lv Li reminded Zhang Pengpeng to cherish his identity as the princess, He said that even if he made himself Wu Zetian, he would not want to.

Physician Song came to treat Zhang Pengpeng, Zhang Pengpeng took the opportunity to threaten Physician Song and got Hedinghong from him, Zhang Pengpeng planned to commit suicide by taking poison, but the poison was fake.

Just when Zhang Pengpeng was disheartened, Lv Li told Zhang Pengpeng that Jiang Yingyue, who was involved in her falling into the water, had been imprisoned in Shengning Palace by the queen mother and severely punished.

The prince and Zhao Wang were kneeling outside the palace to plead for mercy. Hearing that Jiang Yingyue might be executed, Zhang Pengpeng made a plan and dragged the green fence to the outside of Shengning Palace, but the prince didn’t like Zhang Pengpeng, the princess, and reprimanded her to go away.

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