Fragrant Years 那样芬芳 Episode 15 Recap

Gao Wentao asked Lin Chao to sit down. He had a new idea about his work arrangement. He arranged for him to be the director of the group planning department. Lin Chao could cross all departments and directly approach him for financial support.

That is actually a false job, but it can also No matter what. Lin Chao booked a place in the restaurant and invited Rong Fenfang to eat. He paid his salary and thanked her for her help some time ago. Lin Chao wanted to prove to his family that his choice was correct. He also gave Rong Fenfang his cell phone. She liked it very much. She could see that Gao Duo liked Lin Chao. Lin Chao knew that Gao Wentao used him to help her daughter. He happened to use this opportunity to develop his career.

After Lin Chao answered the phone and returned to the company, Xiao Lan asked him to help with the difficulties at home. Grandma Gao Duo was sent to the hospital for rescue. The old lady was worried about Gao Duo’s relationship. Xiao Lan wanted Lin Chao to pretend to be Gao Duo’s boyfriend. Lin Chao agreed to help, and Gao Duo was also very happy. Lin Chao’s steady pace in the company made some colleagues very envious. Director Wu understood that it was Gao Duo.

When Lin Chao passed by the office, he heard their discussion, and he was not happy after listening. Gao Duo found Lin Chao and wanted to fall in love with him and get married. Lin Chao thought she was joking. He rejected her and Gao Duo left angrily. Xiao Lan talked to Lin Chao. She was just talking to him as Gao Duo’s mother. How could she persuade Gao Duo not to open the door?

Gao Duo’s mood was determined by Lin Chao’s attitude. She kept Gao Wentao and Xiao Lan sleepless all night. Xiao Lan hoped that he would treat Gao Duo better. She gave Lin Chao three days for him to consider. After Lin Chao returned, he told Rong Fenfang about Xiao Lan’s attitude. Lin Chao’s words made Rong Fenfang feel uncomfortable. He felt sad and shameful. He didn’t want to rely on a woman for success. Lin Chao also wanted to jump off the terrace after drinking.

Rong Fenfang expressed his love for him. She has liked him since she was a child. In her heart, Lin Chao is the best man in the world. After Lin Chao was moved, he kissed Rong Fenfang, and she dedicated her first woman to Lin Chao. Rong Fenfang left early in the morning, and left a letter to Lin Chao that she would wait for him to come back from the business trip. Lin Chao came to Gao Wentao’s office with his resignation report, but Gao Wentao was not in the office. Gao Wentao and Xiao Lan were very worried about Gao Duo. She had never been rejected by others.

Gao Wentao knew that Xiao Lan forced Lin Chao to resign. Zhang Huizhong asked Lin Chao to go home. She showed him the school’s fund-raising house. She could get a 92-square-meter house, but she didn’t have enough savings. She considered Lin Chao and Lin Yue’s situation. Lin Chao told his mother that he already had a girlfriend.

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