Folktales about long eyes in the back of the head

Folktales about long eyes in the back of the head

There is a young man in Huaishu Village, Yang Jian, who usually reads a lot of martial arts novels, and admires the unique skills of the heroes in the books. Even when he fell asleep, the words he talked in his sleep were also beating and killing. His father was very distressed about this matter, saying that he would not listen, and even persuading him to ignore it.

  On this day, Yang Jian was bored at home and came to the city to play alone. At noon, he walked into a restaurant.

  There were a lot of people in the restaurant, and Yang Jian was looking for a seat, when suddenly a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses turned his back and said, “Hey, you young man in a T-shirt, you knocked off the little girl’s clothes.”

  Yang Jian turned his head and saw a little girl kneeling on a chair to eat. He really accidentally knocked off a piece of clothing on the back of the chair, and quickly bent down to pick it up and hang it up.

  At this moment, the man in the sunglasses turned his back and said, “Young student, there is an empty seat at the back by the window.”

  Yang Jian looked at that place, and there was indeed an empty seat. Just as he was thinking of going there, his mind suddenly moved. The man wearing sunglasses kept his back turned when he spoke. How did he know what was going on without turning around?

  Yang Jian became curious, and suddenly thought that the man wearing sunglasses might be a master of martial arts, with unique skills? He walked to the side of the sunglasses and said, “Uncle, how did you know what happened behind you just now with your back on your back?”

  Sunglasses smiled and said, “I have eyes in the back of my head.”

  Hearing this, Yang Jian became a little excited. He didn’t expect this man to be a master of martial arts, so he couldn’t help looking at the back of his head in the sunglasses.

  The back of this man’s head is no different from that of an ordinary person, except for the black hair and no eyes at all. Yang Jian said, “Uncle, don’t you have eyes in the back of your head?”

  Sunglasses smiled: “You can’t see the eyes in the back of my head.”

  Yang Jian was even more excited. He decided that Sunglasses was a master of martial arts with invisible eyes in the back of his head, so he sat down at the dining table and said, “Uncle, I want to worship you as my teacher. You accept me as an apprentice and teach me Do you look at people from the back of your head?”

  Sunglasses said: “You worship me as a teacher? I’m just a decoration shop owner.”

  Yang Jian refused to let go of this opportunity, and hurriedly said: “Uncle, you must be a master, so you can take me as your apprentice.”

  Sunglasses glanced at him and said, “Where are you from?”

  Yang Jian said, “It’s from Huaishu Village, Jifeng Township.”

  ”what’s your name?”

  ”Yang Jian.”

  Sunglasses stared at him and said, “Is your father’s name Yang Deyang?”

  Yang Jian nodded and said, “Yes, you know my dad?”

  Sunglasses smiled: “What a coincidence, your father and I are comrades-in-arms and served in the army together. My name is Xu Changming. Your father sat in my shop not long ago.”

  Yang Jian was overjoyed. He didn’t expect Boss Xu and his father to be comrades-in-arms, so he hurriedly said, “Uncle Xu, it’s called meeting thousands of miles away by fate. It’s God’s will to meet you, so you can take me as your apprentice.”

  Boss Xu glanced at him again and said, “Accept you as an apprentice? Yes, but there is one condition.”

  Yang Jian said, “What conditions?”

  Boss Xu said: “You have to work here for three years and learn how to decorate before I accept you as an apprentice.”

  Yang Jian thinks that he is only 20 years old now, even if he worked for Boss Xu for three years, he is only 23 years old. Jiang Hu made a mouthful of food, so he said: “Okay, I will work with you for three years.”

  Boss Xu said: “Then you go back today and say hello to your dad, and come to my shop in a few days. I will give you a business card with the address of my decoration shop on it.”

  Yang Jian took the business card, looked at it, and said, “Uncle, you accept me as an apprentice. You are my master. I’ll offer you a few drinks here today.” Immediately, he called the waiter, added some food and wine, and raised a toast. boss……

  That night, Yang Jian went home and told his father about it, but he didn’t say that he wanted to learn unique skills, because his father hated him so much that he was obsessed with “martial arts” all day long and was not doing his job properly, looking for a job in a dishonest manner. . If he knew that he was working part-time to learn unique skills, his father would definitely object.

  Now my father heard that Yang Jian was going to work in Boss Xu’s shop, and he agreed with it. The next day, Yang Jian went out with his luggage. His father personally sent him to the entrance of the village and told him to work hard and learn more decoration techniques.

  At noon, Yang Jian came to Boss Xu’s shop, and Boss Xu signed a contract with him, including food and lodging, with a monthly salary of 1,000 yuan for the first year, and an increase of 20% every year thereafter. Yang Jian is very happy. It’s so beautiful to learn unique skills by yourself without paying money, food, lodging and salary.

  After that, Yang Jian worked in Boss Xu’s shop. This decoration job is really hard to do. Climbing up and down every day, I am so tired that my back hurts after a day, and my bones seem to be falling apart. Moreover, Boss Xu has very strict requirements on him. rebuke. Yang Jian felt uncomfortable, but in order to learn his unique skills in the future, he gritted his teeth and persisted.

  Three years finally passed, and Yang Jian learned all the decoration techniques.

  This afternoon, Yang Jian said to Boss Xu: “Master, three years have passed, can you teach me to ‘grow eyes in the back of the head’?”

  Boss Xu said, “Okay, I’ll teach you after dinner.”

  After dinner, Boss Xu called Yang Jian to his side, took out a pair of sunglasses he often wears and said, “My unique skill lies in these sunglasses, you will know after wearing them.”

  Yang Jian put on the sunglasses and found that he could see things behind him through the sunglasses.

  Boss Xu said: “These are called rear-view sunglasses. They are usually used as bodyguards. This kind of sunglasses can see all directions. My son gave them to me. He works as a bodyguard for the boss in a private company. He gave me this pair.” Sunglasses, because one day when I went out, the money in my back pocket was picked up by thieves with tweezers. I walked in front, and I didn’t know there was a thief behind me. With this pair of sunglasses, I can see myself without looking back. Afterwards, the wallet was never stolen by thieves again.”

  Hearing this, Yang Jian’s heart turned cold: “Boss Xu, aren’t you lying to me? This is ‘eyes in the back of your head’. You made me work here for three years for nothing!”

  Boss Xu said: “You are wrong. You have worked here for three years and learned the art of decoration, and I paid you back. Let me tell you the truth now, because you are obsessed with martial arts all day long, your father Very angry. One day three years ago, he came to my store and wanted you to come to my shop to learn decoration. I didn’t expect to meet you in the restaurant that day.

Ask me to be your teacher. When I found out that you were Yang Deyang’s son, I took the opportunity to accept you, so that you could learn the skills and live a decent life, and don’t think about those superficial things that don’t make it to the world or touch the ground. With your current conditions, even if you really have a unique skill, you can’t learn it. It’s good for young people to have ideals, but they must think of something realistic.”

  After hearing these words, Yang Jian realized that Boss Xu had thought very hard, and also felt that Boss Xu’s words made sense, and a sense of gratitude welled up in his heart. He didn’t say anything but secretly expressed in his heart that he would no longer think about the unique skills of “martial arts” in the future, and he would do a good job in decorating. In the future, he will also open a decorating shop, be his own boss, and live a down-to-earth life.


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