Father of Communication

Royal genius in radio communication

The flooding incident in many provinces of Thailand during this period and matches today “National Communications Day” brings to mind the past story of Thai communications and His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s genius in radio communications. who helped alleviate the suffering of Thai people across the country who have experienced every disaster in the past.

Personal Communication Equipment

His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej which can be regarded as the father of Thai communication His Highness was interested in radio communications. He studied earnestly on his own. The first device that he used was an FM-5 portable radio, which the Communications Police Division offered to His Majesty to test, repair and adjust the radio himself. as well as granting royal initiatives on transmission cables and radio antenna for those involved to take it into consideration for academic study and try to make it work to be used in the affairs of the country.

Code from the sky “VR009”

Amateur radio business in Thailand in 1964 created the code from the sky “VR009”, the royal name. with an impressive story About the origin of this code In the past (before 1964), Thailand did not allow general people to use radio communication. For the reason that it may affect the security until the year 1981, Maj. Gen. Suchart Phuaksakon, Director General of the Post and Telegraph Department at that time brought his respects to him saying “If it will make those who use the radio incorrectly make it right What is His Majesty’s speech?” “It’s a good thing. He will be proud.” After that, Maj. Gen. Suchart Therefore set up a volunteer radio club (Voluntary Radio: VR) and offered the code “VR009”. Later, the call code was changed to HS1A (Hotel-Sierra-One-Alpha). Sai Sai Radio Network, which is a government network There will also be a name called “Sailom 09”, another code as well.


When Thailand hosted the 13th SEA Games

At that time, a radio communication was required for match reports. At that time, the equipment used was amateur radio or walkie-talkies in the VHF frequency range, but there was a problem in transmitting signals. His Highness therefore contacted ready to order that His Highness listens and follows. controlled the wind radio network and use royal advice To install the transceiver until it can be used normally until the end of the competition

when there was a great flood

“Sailom VR009 How to put a plastic bag If you are afraid that it will fall into the water, you have to put it in two layers. Put it in and tie it with a slingshot. And then put another layer upside down and tie a slingshot. So the water doesn’t go in. Still can change into the sea.

Voice of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej His Highness has received instructions from the Sai Sai Radio Network Control Center and use simple, friendly conversation In the time of the Bangkok flood in 1985 and the great storm that occurred in the area of ​​Ratchaburi in 1996, His Highness used radio communication to give advice. to radio amateurs who are also in the area to help victims of the same disaster

with His Highness following the events and gave advice to solve the radio signal problem Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn uses his personal radio to communicate with volunteers and rescue volunteers, thus allowing Thai people to be able to go through each crisis situation.

1. https://www.thairath.co.th/content/387370
2. http://www.posttoday.com/social/general/461254
3. https://www.matichon.co.th /news/329223
4. https://www.iurban.in.th/inspiration/kingofcommnnication/

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