Father Han Gaozu Novel

Father Han Gaozu
Alternative Names: Han Gaozu / 家父漢高祖
Author: Wolf of History Department
Category: History
Status: Serializing

Introduction to Father Han Gaozu:

A great empire has just been born, and a new era is coming. Liu Chang also thought about whether to fight for the big position and lead this brand new empire by himself, but he looked around him, Liu Bang, Empress Lu, Liu Ying, Liu Heng… well, it’s not good to live ? Ever since, Liu Chang put on the hat of the shame of the traverser, and started a life of salted fish waiting to die. Also known as “My Stupid Oudou”, “Is this baby actually Xiang Yu’s?” “, “How can an insect like you cure a big man” and so on.

Chapter 869 Xiahou Style Diplomacy

The terrain is undulating everywhere, covered with dense green forests, this place is like a green prison, those trees are extremely tall, tightly gripping the whole ground, standing on the ground, all you can see are trees, even if you look up. Not reaching the sky, even because of the staggering of these trees, it is impossible to move forward. This is Funan Kingdom. The north of Funan Kingdom is extremely rich in forest resources.

The only disadvantage is that it is too rich. The rainforest here is a forbidden land for living people. There are humans who can successfully survive here, even the local barbarians can only operate in the marginal areas.

The rainforest in the northern part of Funan connects the Dian Kingdom. The Dian Kingdom’s arm is getting longer and longer, and it has extended from the trail to the territory of Shendu. The east side is bordered by the Nanyue Kingdom. The part bordering the Nanyue Kingdom is much better. It is a rare plain area. , suitable for farming, and most of the barbarians settled in this small area.

As for the extended peninsula in the south, only some small tribes survived here in the past, because there are rainforests, few plains, and many mountains here, which are not suitable for too many people. Until After Zhou Shengzhi confirmed the route and discovered a lot of minerals here, it just became lively here.

At this moment, a mighty crowd of more than a hundred people gathered at the junction of the east and Nanyue Kingdom.

Although this is not a rainforest, when you look around, all you can see are some lush trees, the green almost covers the whole world, and the road that has just been opened is hidden in this dense forest. There are almost no carriages and pedestrians, and almost no one will come to this place. The roads and dangers here are more terrifying than those of the Northwest Three Kingdoms, and there is really no benefit on land, and merchants only use boats to pass by That’s all.

The people gathered here are very strange. The three or four people at the head are from the Central Plains, which can be seen from their service and appearance, and the natives who follow them are all kinds, and more than half of them are from the Central Plains.

They are all women who have painted their faces with various pigments. These women are quite old, dressed strangely, and all have tattoos. Some tattoos almost cover the entire face. If it is in the dark night, it may scare passers-by to death. Some even had their teeth painted black. …

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