Famous Foods in Chubu, Japan

Famous Foods (めいぶつ ) in Chubu, Japan 

Hitsumabushi (ひつまぶし)

Himatsubushi is from the Aichi prefecture, and the city of Nagoya. Nagoya is one of the biggest eel producer. In hitsumabushi, the eel is usually grilled and served with rice. This dish is served on a traditional wooden bowl with a bowl of rice, and also served in three different ways. The first portion is scooped into a rice bowl and eaten to savor the flavor. The second portion is eaten with condiments added. The third portion is seasoned and added with broth. The Hitsumabushi is an expensive dish, and costs around 2000- 3000 yen.

Tebasaki (てばさき )

Tebasaki is seasoned, deep- fried chicken wings without a batter. They are usually crispy, salty, and spicy, and can be found anywhere in Japan. But it is more popular in Nagoya it is served a little more spicy and with sesame seeds.

Misokatsu (みそかつ )

Misokatsu has deep fried pork cutlets served with shredded cabbage, rice, and miso sauce. This results in a rich, sweet flavor with some crispness. This dish also resembles a tonkatsu box ( resembles curry ), and is either served as a bento, or at restaurant.

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