Fairy Bone Chapter 5

Fairy Bone Chapter 5

“That, lord …” Ding Xuewei looked at Du Yunsheng, and then seemed to look at his son who had just returned a little timidly, and he stopped talking.

“Mother, what’s the matter? What happened?” Du Yihong knew that his mother was always dignified and calm, but now she looked anxious and worried, and could not help glancing at the door: “You didn’t go to the temple with Qingman Has the incense burned? Come back so soon? What about Qingman? “

When he came back, he did not see Qing Man coming out to greet him, but now he did not see her coming back with her mother, and there was a vague premonition in her heart.

“Yihong, I’m sorry you …” Ding Xuewei suddenly cried out.

“What’s wrong? Did Qing Man have something wrong with her?” Du Yihong quickly stepped forward and asked anxiously.

“You said quickly, what the hell happened?” Du Yunsheng asked anxiously, but Ding Xuewei just cried, and he turned to Ding Wanru involuntarily: “Just like you said, what the hell happened?”

Ding Wanru rubbed his clothes corner and said in a low voice: “Today we go to Fahuansi to burn incense. Who wants to meet a robber halfway, Qingman was robbed by them.”

“What?” Du Yihong burst into his heart, almost jumping: “Where? When did it happen?”

“It was just an hour ago, in the middle of the forest.” Ding Wan looked like Du Yihong, bluffed her, but had to continue to be brave and said: “Now, it should have been taken by those people up the mountain. Right? Those people say yes, Qingman accompany them, accompany them … “

Needless to say, the people present also knew what her next words meant.

Du Yihong’s face instantly became ashen, clenched his fists, got up and shouted to let the director release the horse, and then rushed out.

As soon as he walked to the door, Ding Xuewei grabbed him: “Yi Hong, you are useless now. Qingman has fallen into a thief’s den, and he will definitely not come back innocently.”

Du Yihong pursed his lips tightly, his fists clenched tightly, and the maidservants of the house saw each other, and no one dared to make a sound and bowed their heads.

Du Yihong looked at his mother, and like to know her for the first time, slowly spoke: “So what do you ask me to do? Don’t save her?”

“It’s not unhelpful, it’s just … you just want to open some …” Ding Xuewei looked at her son’s eyes almost like a sharp knife, she could open her openly.

“Nothing is more important than her life.” Du Yihong withdrew his eyes from his mother and turned and strode out.

Ding Xuewei looked at the back of Du Yihong’s hurry to leave. He was so anxious that he felt a breeze. He wished he could fly over immediately and could not help but sigh gently: “This kid is just so stupid.”

Du Yunsheng is also a face of Tie Qing. His eyes glanced lightly at his wife, and then looked at Ding Wanru, who kept his head down without saying a word, and said nothing.

After marrying his wife, he rarely practiced martial arts, only to teach her husband Zhuangzhong, but she also came from a family of martial arts. After all, she would also teach some ideas to Yihong Hewan. What kind of martial arts are superior? However, even if the martial arts are strong, why did they just take Qingman away without moving?

Realizing her husband’s suspicious eyes, Ding Xuewei said with a guilty conscience: “What do you think I do?”

“Ma’am, I know I don’t like Qing Man very much, but she is after all the daughter-in-law of our family …” Du Yunsheng sighed.

“Do you mean to say that I can’t save myself if I die?” Ding Xuewei’s voice immediately raised: “You didn’t see that they had so many people, all fierce and evil, like martial arts is not good. Where can I care so much? “

“I’m too lazy to talk to you nonsense.” For so many years, Du Yunsheng naturally understood Ding Xuewei’s temper. The more guilty she was, the stronger she was. But when he didn’t discuss this with her, he quickly ordered people to follow Du Yihong. Into the mountains.

This Du Yihong is good, but he has a soft spot for this fiancee who was engaged since childhood. As long as Gu Qingman is involved in everything, he will lose a lot of money.

When Du Yihong found Gu Qingman, she was like a ruined rag doll, and she was abandoned on the uninhabited avenue.

Du Yihong’s heart suddenly tightened, he stumbled from the footsteps, almost ran unsteadily, kneeled down in front of her.

“Qingman.” Du Yihong’s voice shivered. He felt that his heart was paralyzed at that moment, and it seemed that it would break in the next second.

He gently hugged Gu Qingman. The blood on the corner of her mouth had dried up. The bright red blood splattered on her chest, shocking.

“Qingman, you wake up, I am Yihong.” Du Yihong shook gently: “You look at me, look at me!”

Her body was very cold, her eyes closed tightly, her face was completely blank, and she was indifferent to his call. Du Yihong hugged her tightly, reaching for her pulse gently.

“Look, Master Zhuang, I am hopeless.” Someone whispered behind him. Anyone could see that he had suffered such a serious injury.

“Shut up.” Du Yihong shouted loudly, and there was no sound immediately behind him.

After a while, Du Yihong felt a slight beating under his hands. Although he was tiny, he was caught by him.

“She is still alive, she still has a pulse.” Du Yihong yelled in surprise, I don’t know whether it was for Gu Qingman or for himself: “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, I will take you to the doctor, must Can save you. “

The accompanying people looked at each other, could it be that the owner was too sad and could not accept the crazy words spoken by reality?

Du Yihong ignored everyone, but just took off his coat and carefully wrapped Gu Qingman and hugged her to the horse.

A light dust rose between the mountains and forests, and Du Yihong drove past the horse.

Afterwards, the gates of Baili Mountain Villa were broken by all the famous doctors in Fangyuan Baili, and even the doctors in the palace were invited, but everyone shook their heads together.

Du Yihong continued to lose his life for Gu Qingman, and thousands of ginseng also used a lot. However, Gu Qingman, who was barely holding his breath, was not as good as one day.

Liu Taiyi is Du Yihong’s last hope, but after seeing the doctor, the old man in the flowered pill still shook his head regretfully.

Du Yihong’s eyes were sunken and his expression was tired. He hadn’t closed his eyes for days and nights. Seeing Dr. Liu shook his head, he was almost desperate.

Dr. Liu twisted his white beard and thought for a long while, saying, “If this girl wants to live, I am afraid that only one person in this world can save it.”

“Really? Who?” Du Yihong asked quickly.

“Kunlun Mountain is thousands of miles away. There are many precious medicinal herbs in the mountain. Moreover, there is an old man living in the mountain. People don’t know his name. They just call him the old man of Kunlun. It is said that his medical skills are clever and can be brought back to life. It ’s just that I ’m just hearing about it, and I ’ve never seen him in person. ”Liu Taiyi was so anxious to see Du Yihong. Although he only heard the story, it was very detailed. Hope is better than no hope.

“Old Man Kunlun?” Du Yihong’s eyes suddenly lighted up: “Liu Taiyi, thank you for your reminder, I even forgot him and him.”

“Don’t be too happy. It is said that the Kunlun old man’s medical technique is not easy to save people. There are not many people who go to Kunlun Mountain every year, but there are only a few who can really receive his holy hand.” Dr. Liu sighed softly: “Not to mention the long distance, Kunlun Mountain is in danger, and it may not be able to arrive safely.”

“It doesn’t matter. For Qingman, I must try it.” Du Yihong didn’t have time to send Liu Taiyi out, and hurried to the library to find Du Yunsheng.

“What? Do you want me to give you the piece of jade from the grandfather?” Du Yunsheng was stunned by the sudden request from his son: “What do you want it to do?”

“I’m going to borrow it to find the old man of Kunlun. My grandfather intersects with him at the time. I have Yu Pei as a proof. I believe he can be optimistic about Qingman’s injury.”

“No,” Du Yihong’s words just fell, and he saw Ding Xuewei lift the curtain: “I don’t agree.”

Du Yihong saw her mother’s face firm, frowning involuntarily: “Mother–“

Ding Xuewei walked in front of Du Yihong with a cold face: “Not to mention that this jade is not worth saving for this girl, but you are my dear son, my only flesh and blood, and the sole proprietor of Baili Mountain Villa. The ghost place like Kunlun Mountain has bad weather. I heard that if you want to go up the mountain, there are all kinds of dangers. I ca n’t agree that you should take this risk. ”

“Mother, I must take Qingman to see the old man of Kunlun. This is my only hope.”

“You are also my only hope.” Ding Xuewei sighed and calmed down a bit: “Why are you so confused, Qingman is so badly injured that she can’t be saved, maybe you can’t stand it halfway? You have been hurting your vitality for her every day, and it is already hurting you. Now that she is still involved in such risks, how can she afford it? “

Du Yihong looked at his mother with a frown, and there was a hint of pain in his heart. This was his mother-in-law, but her eyes were only worth and not worth. She cared about her son, and cared about his achievements and interests, but never Will not consider what he really likes and needs.

“Mother, Qingman is my daughter-in-law, why do you want to say such a thing?” Du Yihong asked sadly: “As a man, even the person he loves most can’t be protected. He lives in this world but nothing more. One waste. “

“Yi Hong, I think you were stunned by her head.” Ding Xuewei couldn’t help but feel anxious when she saw her son hard and hard not to eat: “What is the favorite person? You have only met her in your life, you naturally think I love her, and without her, you will fall in love with other girls in the future. “

“No, I will never.” Du Yihong looked at his mother firmly: “She is my only wife, and Du Yihong’s only love, I will not give up on her, even if she really has something wrong, I will not betray She fell in love with other women again. “

A word like an oath made Ding Xuewei speechless for a moment.


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