Fairy Bone Chapter 4

Fairy Bone Chapter 4

Gu Qingman simply refreshed and was about to go out. Yi Xiang chased timidly again:

“Miss, my lady said that you would go to Fahuansi with her today to burn incense.”

“Go to Fahuan Temple?” Gu Qingman froze for a moment. Aunt Ding and Ding Wanru would go to the temple to burn incense every day on the 15th day of the week. In the deep mountains, the roads are rugged and remote, and the incense is not at its peak. Why did you want to get closer this time? Also call her to go together?

Despite Gu Qingman’s doubts, he got on the carriage and Ding Xuewei Ding went to the Fashan Temple together.

Ding Xuewei’s claim is to worship Goddess of Mercy on weekdays, just to find a way out for the old and young at home. Now I want to ask Yihong for his future. Naturally, I cannot worship Goddess of Mercy. It takes a long time to offer a big sea lamp to show sincerity.

Gu Qingman does n’t understand this. Ding Xuewei can say whatever she wants. Although she does n’t get along with Ding Xuewei on weekdays, she still complies with what the future mother-in-law would say. After all, she is Du Yihong ’s mother. Brother Hong is in trouble.

The carriage was exceptionally quiet along the way, and even Ding Wanru, who tweeted about talking all the time, stopped quietly and sat quietly beside her aunt.

Gu Qingman sat opposite them, sleeping with eyes closed.

The carriage was bumpy, Gu Qingman lifted the curtain. They walked in the mountain stream, with the mountain on the inside and the cliff on the other side. There were no people in the distance. Also, the monastery was built in such a remote mountain. No wonder there are no pilgrims visiting.

Then I walked forward to touch a cup of tea, and the carriage entered the trail. There were tall trees growing on both sides of the trail. The surrounding was so quiet that only the ruts pressed against the thick fallen leaves. of.

Suddenly, the carriage swayed for a while, only hearing the noise in front, Gu Qingman opened his eyes, and Ding Xuewei and Ding Wanru both looked at each other without making any noise.

Gu Qingman was anxious, and when he heard the noise outside, he quickly got up and lifted the curtain to see what happened.

In the blue sky and the day, the forest was deep, and there was a little more suffocation in the plain. Gu Qingman saw that the carriage was blocked by seven or eight people in black, and the groom was too scared to hide aside.

The men in black are riding on horses one by one, holding a large knife in their hands, covering their faces with black cloth, they can’t see them clearly, but they look very sturdy, their hair is unkempt, and they are dirty, maybe Cut the diameter of the green forest, but Gu Qingman felt that the green forest didn’t need to cover his face during the day, and he couldn’t help but understand the origin of the other party.

“Yo, I didn’t expect there was a beautiful little girl in the carriage.” The black man in the head was like a Hong Zhong. Although he covered his face, he could see that when he saw Gu Qingman, his eyes showed A light with good intentions: “Just right, brothers are bored today. It’s better that you follow us up the mountain and have fun together.”

He said this, and the men in black behind him all laughed.

Although Gu Qingman studied martial arts from an early age, he has never stayed in Baili Mountain Villa. How did he see such a battle? Being laughed and insulted by the man in black, the little face immediately turned blushing, and she pulled out Jian Jian stood up and scolded:

“Where are the robbers? How dare you stop the carriage of Baili Mountain Villa? Are you impatient?”

Baili Mountain Villa is also quite famous on rivers and lakes. Far and near has not heard of the presence of robbers. Even if there is, Gu Qingman will only be a little shocked if he reports his origin.

Who knows that Gu Qingman had made a mistake this time, and when the group heard her say, not only were they not afraid, but they even more approached the carriage and surrounded them in groups.

Gu Qingman looked back at Ding Xuewei and Ding Wanru. They were leaning against each other on the corner of the carriage. She turned around and happened to be in direct contact with their eyes. She didn’t mean to stand up and fight the enemy.

They came out on this trip just to burn incense, so they did n’t take Ding with them. Ding Xuewei also came from a martial arts family. Ding Wanwei would have some effort if she was taught by her aunt, but it must have been a spoiled child for many years. , So scared that the atmosphere would not dare to breathe.

Gu Qingman gritted his teeth and jumped off the carriage with a sword to meet the enemy.

I only hope that my sword practiced for so many years can retreat the enemy, but she really does not think she has this ability.

The first time I regretted that I was always lazy, and I didn’t practice kung fu. At this time, you can only pray that the other party is a haystack.

Gu Qingman was thinking wildly, and at the same time he dared to pick up the other man’s aggressive knife.

“Poo” a crisp sound of collision.

Gu Qingman only felt that the knife was powerful. The other party must be a strong internal force. This one hit, but it made her feel so painful that she almost lost her blade, and she retreated back a few steps, and her mouth also got fishy. Sweet taste.

“How is it? Little beauty, don’t resist, go back with your uncle?” The man in black sat on the horse and looked down at her embarrassed look, obscenely said: “Relax, as long as you are obedient, I will hurt so much your.”

Gu Qingman frowned, even though he couldn’t see the other person’s face, but just listening to his voice, the foul language could no longer make her patient.

“Shut up.” She twisted her sword and stabbed again.

The dexterous sword light traversed a beautiful arc in the air, as fast as lightning, and went straight to the door of the face.

The man in black was a little surprised at the moment, but just passed by. After that, he easily lifted the knife and seemed to use the force of killing a mosquito, thus blocking Gu Qingman’s offensive.

“Uncle Ben doesn’t have time to fight with you here.” The man in black squeezes the reins with one hand, the horse sighs, and raises his front hooves. , Easily grabbed her waist and lifted her to the horse.

Gu Qingman only felt that there was a whirl of the sky, and the person had been laid to the ground. The black people behind him all laughed in bad faith.

Someone said: “Brother, you can’t enjoy this beauty alone, and everyone will have a share in it.”

“That’s natural,” said the man in black who embraced Gu Qingman, gruffly: “Relax, when I finish playing, it’s yours.”

Gu Qingman fell on his horse, a strange man’s breath, very unpleasant, making her uncomfortable want to spit out.

She looked at the carriage, the curtain flicked slightly, and they could vaguely see their figures.

“Aunt Ding, save me.” Gu Qingman hurriedly called for help in the carriage.

Ding Xuewei’s martial arts are not weak. If she shoots, then Ding Wanru will help each other, and there may not be a chance of winning.

However, the two figures did not move.

When the wind rose and fell, the car curtain finally covered their figure, and they could not be seen.

Gu Qingman closed his eyes, and there was a chill in his heart.

The man in black seemed to be very satisfied, carrying her back around, and running away in the deep forest.

Gu Qingman felt that her internal organs were about to be turned out of the bumpy horse. She could not lift her head and could not move.

The man in black carried her, walking further and further.

Seeing that I would walk out of the deep forest.

Gu Qingman didn’t know where they were going to take him, and he knew in his heart that he would definitely not have a good ending.

She couldn’t sit still and was insulted by this group of beasts.

While the man in black was concentrating on his horse, Gu Qingman slowly touched his belt, where a hidden iron dagger was hidden. It was a gift from Du Yihong to her. She liked it very much and brought it every day In my body, I didn’t expect it to work.

Holding the dagger in his hand, Gu Qingman glanced at the timing of the horse’s turning, and struck the black man above his head with a thunderous blinding.

The other party was obviously caught off guard. When the reaction came, the dagger had cut his neck. He was terrified. Fortunately, the horse bumped, and Gu Qingman couldn’t see him, so the spur was a little bit, and he didn’t hurt him. The warrior’s instinct allowed him to wave a palm without thinking, and Gu Qingman will be dismounted.

This powerful palm, Gu Qingman seemed to be a kite with a broken line, and flew straight out of the horse. This place is the end of the forest. She fell softly on a cliff, and then Falling hard on the ground.

Several other men in black just started to catch up. When they saw this scene, they were stunned. Some people ran to Gu Qingman and saw her lying motionless in the dust. The bright red blood came from her nose and mouth. There slowly flowed down.

“Brother, you killed her.” The man in black panicked. “Why did you start so heavy? You killed her?”

“She sneaked on me, so …” The lead man took off the masked black scarf, with some guilt: “I don’t want to.”

“Madam just asked us to take her away for a few days. How can you tell her to do this?”

The leading man looked at Qing Man and gritted his teeth: “Well, there is nothing that can’t be explained, it’s just that the hand is heavier, and she told the lady that she was unworthy of humiliation, and she would have to die if she vaulted to death.

Several people stood for a while, seeing that there was no room for recovery, they had to go away one after another.

On the silent mountain road, only Gu Qingman’s tiny body was left creeping in the dust.

When Ding Xuewei and Ding Wanru returned to Baili Mountain Villa, they found the atmosphere in the village was very warm and the people were very busy.

It turned out that Du Yihong was back.

They looked at each other, Ding Xuewei took Ding Wanru’s hand, anxious and sad expression appeared on her face, and hurriedly went to the hall.

Ding Wan seemed to see it, and he quickly learned something. He quickly brewed his feelings. Although it was a pleasure to see her cousin coming back, she needed to do a full set of acting.

As soon as she thought that Gu Qingman’s cheap woman would no longer be qualified to compete with her for the position of the wife of the owner, she could not help but blossom.

Sure enough, as soon as the two of them appeared in the hall, the original atmosphere of joy and harmony immediately became solemn.

“What’s the matter? Panic.” Du Yunsheng saw his wife’s sobbing expression and couldn’t help pulling her face down.


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