EP2. The Temptation of Death Story (5)

5. Who is the murderer?

The cold handcuffs touched Tong Xin’s mother’s thin hands with prominent veins. Fu Jun suddenly came over to stop her: “I am Meng Xin. I was the one who drove Tong Xin to a dead end step by step, and finally pushed her into Bu Gaolou with my own hands.”

The bearded policeman hesitated for a moment, put away the handcuffs, and looked at his childlike mother, Fu Jun and Lina with interest, and finally sat on the sofa again and drank tea. “That autopsy report is just one of them.” The bearded policeman took out Tong Xin’s autopsy report from his arms, “Tong Xin should have been taking sleeping pills often, right? He also went to the hospital for gastric lavage because of overdose, right? Also, although he hung himself with a rope , If you fail to commit suicide , the marks on your neck will disappear afterwards, but hanging yourself multiple times will cause lung damage.”

Tongxin’s mother began to sob. She hugged the diary tightly and gradually began to cry uncontrollably: “Tongxin said that only by writing a diary every day and writing repetitive and mechanical life accounts can she feel the reality of survival. But she saw There are more and more sleepy nights, and the sleepy nights are wrapped around her desperately. I know that she has worked very hard.”

The young policeman suddenly realized: “Does the childishness have obsessive-compulsive disorder to commit suicide ?”

The bearded policeman added: “The ‘sleep’ mentioned in the last red diary is probably the ‘god of death’ seen by a childlike mind.”

“Then the childlike innocence really committed suicide .” The young policeman confirmed to the bearded policeman a little disappointed. After struggling for a long time, it turned out to be nothing.

“No, it was a homicide.” The bearded policeman said firmly, turning to Fu Jun and Lina, whose faces turned pale. “Every time Tong Xin tried to commit suicide by swallowing sleeping pills, she couldn’t die because of insufficient dosage. Every time she tried to hang herself, she failed. There are many students in the school . I have seen Childlike Heart standing on the edge of the rooftop of the experimental building but never jumped off. On the one hand, she was chased and forced by the God of Death, and on the other hand, she was unable to successfully commit suicide because of the cowardice deep inside her heart.”

“If you really love me, push me down with your own hands.” Duo Jun said with a sweet voice while looking at the distant scenery with his childlike heart behind his back. The empty cake box was blown by the wind to Tongxin’s feet. She picked up the box and threw it into the sky. The box flew for a few seconds, then staggered to the ground. Tongxin suddenly burst into tears and begged Fu Jun: “Please, let me fly, even if it’s just for a few seconds. Death stalks me day and night, and living is hell to me. ”

“I really love Tongxin very much. I told Tongxin that every time she wanted to commit suicide, she would eat blueberry cake. That was how I felt after losing her. Tongxin hated blueberry cake the most, but after eating blueberry cake, she could I felt my grief after she committed suicide. I know that she really tried hard for me.”

Fu Jun recalled the time spent with Tong Xin and turned to the surprised Lina, “But that day, do you still remember it? Tong Xin She said, ‘I like the blueberry cake and it’s very sweet when I eat it.'” There is another meaning of this sentence that only Fu Jun understands, that is, nothing can stop the suicide factor in Tongxin’s body.

“So, you lend me my hand to fulfill your childlike innocence?” Lina smiled miserably.

Lina’s words made the bearded policeman and the young policeman look surprised at the same time.

When Lina saw Fu Jun and Tong Xin on the rooftop, Fu Jun stretched out his hand. It turned out that he was going to help her realize her suicide wish. Unfortunately, because of his love for Tong Xin, Fu Jun couldn’t do it in the end.

“I told Tongxin that being bullied all the time will make people afraid and hateful. I taught her how to treat you cruelly, boss you around, make you hate her, and make you want to kill her.”

Fu Jun, Tong Xin’s mother, and Tong Xin in the photo, they all showed the same smile.

Lina finally understood that when she met Fu Jun and Tong Xin, she fell into an abyss of eternal destruction. It turns out that the “terrible childlike innocence” is just a performance that allows himself to push Zhenzhi’s childlike innocence to death. Death is the paradise of childlike innocence. Lina stared blankly at the cold handcuffs on her hands, and saw a smug expression on the face of a child with a broken heart in a dark world, laughing at herself.

“Thank you, Lina, thank you for killing your innocence for us.”

Lina turned around and saw that Fu Jun and Tong Xin’s mother were smiling at her, and Tong Xin behind them was also smiling happily.

The Temptation of Death Story [Long Ghost Story]


1. The funeral of childlike innocence is very simple, but in the world of black and white, the color portrait seems out of place. Death seems to have nothing to do with childlike innocence, but she still smiles innocently. When Lina and Fu Jun, wearing Beiling High School uniforms, appeared holding flowers, everyone looked at them in surprise.

Tongxin’s mother wiped her tears, hurriedly came forward to greet her, took the flowers, and sighed happily: Great, Tongxin is so lucky to have such good friends like you. Fu Jun and Lina went to the funeral hall. Apart from their childlike mothers, only a few older adults attended the funeral.

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