EP2. The Temptation of Death Story (4)

4. The mysterious curse

There was a thunderstorm in the middle of the night, and the raindrops hitting the glass window made an annoying sound. Lina desperately shrank into the quilt and curled up into a ball. The sound of rain seemed to be mixed with childish laughter. Lina clearly remembered that she kept laughing loudly when her childlike innocence fell, until a loud “bang” came from downstairs, and the scalp-numbing laughter lingered in the air for a long time.

The alarm clock rang, and Lina jumped up from the bed suddenly, feeling dizzy. Although the heavy rain had lightened up, the sky was still as gray as night. She really didn’t want to go out, but she had promised Fu Jun yesterday, so she had to start washing and dressing.

When they arrived at Tongxin’s house, it was a young policeman who opened the door for Lina and Fu Jun. The bearded policeman was whispering something to Tongxin’s mother in the living room. As soon as the bearded policeman saw them, a weird smile appeared on his lips .

“Where is the child’s heart?” When Fu Jun asked this question, everyone was stunned, as if the child’s heart was sleeping in the room and was not dead.

“Oh, you mean Tong Xin’s corpse , right? The forensic doctor did an autopsy, so it’s a bit of a gain.” The bearded policeman corrected Fu Jun, and continued to look through Tong Xin’s relics.

Fu Jun and Lina were terrified. Seeing that the police were unwilling to disclose the new clues they found on Tong Xin ‘s body , they did not dare to ask further questions. The bearded policeman was looking through the stack of diaries belonging to Tongxin, his brows knitted into a ball.

There was dead silence in the living room, except for the sound of scraping paper. After a long time, he raised his head and asked, “Did Tong Xin have the habit of writing diaries every day before he was alive?” Tong Xin’s mother nodded, stroking one of the diaries, with a sad expression: “The child must have a lot to say, but he doesn’t want to say anything. Tell me, for her, the diary is her most loyal audience.” The bearded policeman smiled and separated the two diaries with his fingers: “Every once in a while, a diary is missing. It is torn out carefully. Or is it because Tongxin made an exception and didn’t write a diary that day?”

Tongxin’s mother, who had always been calm and composed, turned blue in the face, and her eyes wandered unnaturally over the diaries on the table, as if she was looking for a reason to convince the bearded policeman. Childlike innocence did not write down the diary of those days in person, but it was deeply imprinted in my mother’s heart. Lina curiously picked up a diary and looked through it. Tongxin’s daily diary was just a running account of life, and Fu Jun and his own names were not even mentioned.

Why does Mei Mie insist on writing such a meaningless diary? As the bearded policeman said, every once in a while, the childlike diary will be disconnected for a day or two. Lina remembered that Tongxin would occasionally miss a day or two of school. If the date of Tongxin’s absence matched the missing date in the diary, then what on earth was Tongxin doing these days?

A person’s name was mentioned in a diary written in red pen, and Lina couldn’t help but blurt out: “Who is Mei?”

The bearded policeman snatched the diary from Lina’s hand and read the diary carefully.

“Mei defeated everything. He came to me and stretched out his hand to me. I could no longer refuse Mei.” The bearded policeman read, touching his beard and guessing, “This diary is the last diary of a childlike heart. Could it be that Mei killed me?” childlike innocence?”

“But who is Mei? With just one code name, we are far away from the prisoner.” The young policeman sighed, worried that the case would not progress.

Fu Jun also concluded in his heart that the bearded policeman could not find out anything based on “sleeping”.

The bearded policeman closed the diary with a “snap” and his eyes were like arrows, directed at Fu Jun and Lina: “Classmates Fu Jun and Lina must have seen me, right?”

“Even if it was sleep that killed Tongxin, how could we know what happened in Yipin Store when Tongxin died?” Fu Jun retorted.

“I forgot to tell you that although there was a delay, the forensic doctor still found the ingredients of the blueberry cake from Tong Xin’s body, which he had eaten before death.” The bearded policeman said while raising the autopsy report in his hand.

Tongxin’s mother, who had always been pale and silent, suddenly stood up and said firmly to the bearded policeman: “I killed Tongxin and had nothing to do with these two children.”

The ancient hanging clock in the living room rang slowly, like a funeral song, and the childlike remains hung next to the clock. She looked at it all with a satisfied smile.


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