EP2. The Temptation of Death Story (3)

3. Sweet Blood

When leaving the mourning hall, the afternoon sun was a bit dazzling. Even though the distance was so close, Lina could feel Fu Jun’s indifference.

Lina once thought with her heart racing that meeting Fu Jun was the happiest thing. If I hadn’t met Tongxin at the same place on the same day and been pulled into the dark vortex by her, things wouldn’t have become so bad. Now that her childlike innocence has disappeared, her gloomy figure should also disappear from her and Fu Jun’s world, right? Lina quickened her pace, took Fu Jun’s arm and suggested: “Let’s go eat cake together. My favorite is strawberry cake, what about you?”

“In the future, there will no longer be a need for Ying to buy blueberry cakes for Childlike Heart, and she will no longer need to eat blueberry cakes desperately.” Fu Jun answered the question with a faint smile on his lips that looked a little sad.

Lina still clearly remembers the scene when she met Fu Jun and Tong Xin on the rooftop for the first time. Full of questions squirming in her mind like worms, she hesitated for a long time, and then asked: “At that time, you wanted to kill your innocence, right?”

Fu Jun stopped and looked at Lina confusedly.

A blaring car horn sounded, and the sidewalk was in chaos. The driver jumped out of the driver’s seat, glanced at the girl lying in a pool of blood, and shouted to the onlookers in a panic: “She suddenly ran out on her own! You all saw it, right? The sidewalk is still a red light now. !”

“Call an ambulance quickly. Just as I was about to hold her, the child rushed out.”

“I saw her crying very sadly just now.”

Onlookers speculated that the girl saw a speeding car and deliberately violated traffic rules and ran off the sidewalk.

While calling the hospital and the transportation bureau,   the driver stamped his feet and said angrily: “If you want to die, don’t run onto the road to scare people. It’s so unlucky.”

He asked about the girl’s condition through the gaps in the crowd. Only the bright red color kept shaking. Fu Jun picked up Lina and strode forward. He didn’t slow down until he was far away from the accident scene. He adjusted his disordered breathing and whispered Said: “When existence becomes torture and pain, even falling into hell instead of flying to heaven is happiness to her.”

Lina didn’t know whether the “she” Fu Jun mentioned was Tong Xin or the girl who ran a red light, but she remembered that when she met Fu Jun and Tong Xin on the rooftop for the first time, his expression was as sad and desperate as it is now. At that time, his hand tremblingly fell on the back of Tongxin who was looking at the distant scenery. Tongxin turned around and showed a bright smile, just like the photo in the mourning hall . Then, she spotted Lina running up to the rooftop, and the smile on her lips gradually turned ferocious.

From then on, Lina realized that the childlike innocence that was weak in front of other students and always bullied and ridiculed would turn into a terrifying devil in front of Fu Jun and herself. Lina did not escape from the black bag hell of childlike innocence , because she could only save Fu Jun by jumping down.

There was a lot of blueberry cake left in the first-class store. Lina glanced at it with disgust and went straight to the freezer where the strawberry cake was placed. Fu Jun took out a piece, brought it to his mouth, bit it in one bite, and ate it with relish. Lina screamed in horror and slapped the cake out of Fu Jun’s hand.

“Actually, I am the one who likes blueberry cake.” Fu Jun said softly.

The sweet smell of blueberry cake filled the air, making Lina feel dizzy. Childlike innocence reveals the ugliest secrets in front of itself, but Fu Jun is just the opposite, hiding his secrets in the darkness where no one can see.

Before Lina could ask, Fu Jun walked to the cashier to pay. The familiar clerk put strawberry cake into the exquisite cake box and said with a sweet smile: “Finally changed the flavor. In fact, the strawberry cake is also very sweet. Speaking of which, today A policeman with a beard bought a lot of blueberry cakes and asked if there were two Beiling High School students who often bought them. I think he probably meant you.”

Fu Jun smiled, took the cake box, and pulled Lina out of the first-class store without saying anything.

On the way to send Lina home, Fu Jun remained silent until they separated at the intersection. He handed the box containing the strawberry cake to Lina’s hand and said, “I’ll wait for you here tomorrow morning. Let’s go to Tongxin’s house again.” Well, there may be secrets in the childlike heart’s diary that we don’t know about.”

Although Lina was reluctant, she nodded in agreement.

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