Dt.Appledog’s Time 我的时代,你的时代 Episode 6 Recap

Dt.Appledog’s Time 我的时代,你的时代 Episode 6 Recap

In the evening, Ai Jing watched Shen Zhe swimming in the hotel pool, and mistakenly thought that she said Wu Bai was more handsome than him. Shen Zhe said she thought too much. In fact, he was because Wu Bai persuaded him to join the K&K team. Wu Bai told him that only by joining his team, Shen Zhe could have a chance to defeat Wang Hao. Shen Zhe felt that Wu Bai wanted money but no money, no one but no one, but Wu Bai was very confident that he could win the championship. Wu Bai was very entangled, so he plunged into the clear water again, hoping to find the answer from it.

In the morning of the next morning, Wu Baihe 97 and Monday walked into the elevator with a suitcase. Shen Zhe showed up with the suitcase when the door was about to close. He held the elevator door with his hand and told Wu Baiqian and the captain that he didn’t want it. He only signed for one year. If he can’t win the championship, he will leave. Wu Bai and his teammates are very happy.

At the entrance of the hotel, Wu Bai and others met sister Ai Qing who was pulling a suitcase. Wu Bai asked them to go in their car. Ai Qing said that her sister had already requested a car. She asked Wu Bai if he was free after getting off the plane, Wu Bai said without hesitation. She wanted Wu Bai to take a look at the slide with her, saying that he also retired.

Then Ai Qing and others came to the slide shop, and the slide was very happy to see them. Wu Bai asked him why he retired in the first place, and the slide laughed and said why he would dig into people’s privacy when he came. At this time, a lot of fans came outside, Ai Qing suddenly had an idea, she suggested that they set up an on-site signing to help the slide to attract some visitors. Customers who come to the store can get autographs, so that no one will hack them to make money, and customers can get signatures without buying anything.

Wu Bai and others readily agreed. Everyone acted immediately, and soon everything was ready to stop. Fans poured in and the scene was very lively. Ai Jing, who was busy in front of the counter, told Ai Qing that Wu Bai is really handsome, so she can take it well. Ai Qing couldn’t help but feel very sweet when looking at Wu Bai, who was earnestly signing.

Seeing everyone fire up his business, the slide will close early and invite everyone to have a barbecue. In the hotel, everyone happily toasted to celebrate their reunion again. Wu Bai asked about his retirement again. The slide said he was not doing well in Germany and he didn’t get along well with others so he retired. After that, everyone toasted frequently and soon became drunk.

The drunk and hazy Ai Qing blushed, and her smile was even more charming. She hugged her sister and smiled and said that when she came to the Singapore Asian Championships Sports Village, Wu Bai opened the door for her. At the time, he was not wearing clothes. Ai Jing laughed that he was seen by her sister. Wu Bai said embarrassedly She was drunk and talking nonsense. Wu Bai planned to call a car to take everyone home. At this moment, Ai Qing, who was lying on the deck, suddenly got up and took Wu Bai’s hand to let him go to her house, saying that his gold medal was still at her house. Ai Jing asked everyone to go to her house. They just bought a two-bedroom house with a loan, and the original house was used by her father.

Ai Jing watched Wu Bai look at Ai Qing with a fond look, and asked her if she was pretty. Wu Bai said she was pretty. Ai Jing said that Ai loves people are very righteous, but sometimes it’s not good to be too righteous. When the team was disbanded, Ai Qing felt sorry for everyone, especially that. She couldn’t remember her name for a while, only remembered her surname Han, and Wu Bai gave her full name. In Korean business, Ai Jing said it was him, but she was very surprised how a big man named Mary Su.

Then Wu Bai came outside the store and called his brother Han Shangyan to ask him for a car. He also said that someone mentioned him just now and said his name is Mary Su. Soon the car came and the driver escorted them to their destination. Wu Bai carried the drunk Ai Qing upstairs, Ai Jing opened the door and let him into the house. Unexpectedly, his father was at home. He walked out of the kitchen and asked what was going on. I heard that Ai Qing and a few juniors who were playing games together did not talk about it at night parties. what. Wu Bai wanted to go back. Ai Jing said that they would live here as far away as their base. Then Wu Bai carried Shen Zhe and 97 back upstairs, and told the driver to take the slide home. Ai’s father praised Wu Bai’s good physical fitness and went back if he couldn’t help Ai’s father.

Ai Qing went to take a bath and asked Wu Bai to take care of her sister. Hearing Ai Qing called her sister, Wu Bai walked into her room and saw her shouting hot, he took a tissue to wipe the sweat on her face carefully, Ai Qing took his hand and opened her misty eyes and said he was back She was so happy. Wu Bai was very happy when she heard it, but she went on to say that it was a pity not to come back because he was a genius. She also said that she wanted to return to that circle for a long time.

At this time Ai Jing walked in and told Wu Bai that her sister retired three years ago and resisted the pressure of life. The down payment and mortgage for this house were paid by Ai Qing. At that time, she needed a stable job, but she liked robot fighting. Can’t hide. Wu Bai looked at Ai Qing who was asleep and said that she wanted to go back and accompany her.

Wu Bai, who was lying on the sofa in the middle of the night, suddenly heard Ai Qing screaming for water, so he hurriedly got up to see her walking out of the room unsteadily. He quickly helped her to the sofa and poured her water. After drinking the water, Ai Qing grabbed him by the collar and asked in a bitter manner why he had to win her in the match three years ago. Seeing her cute face so close to him, Wu Bai couldn’t help his heartbeat speeding up and whispering that he didn’t mean it.

She also asked him why he left without saying goodbye. Wu Bai said that he was going abroad for surgery, but Ai Qing had already fallen asleep in his arms when he said this. The next morning, Father Ai bought an early breakfast. Ai Jing saw that it was only five o’clock, and everyone else was still asleep. Ai’s father woke Wu Bai to eat together, and asked him where he was and if he had a girlfriend.


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