Dream About Past Life Ghost Stories

Dreaming about the past life is compiled by the editor of Niudang who loves visiting hospitals and a collection of short ghost stories! If you like the collection of short hospital ghost stories, remember to follow the editor of Nidang!

The scary ghost story “Dream of the Past Life” tells the story of “I don’t know where to start?” Liu Mu started to have nightmares every night. He dreamed about the same thing every day. She dreamed that she had become a man, currently holding a submachine gun and wearing a small steel cap on her head. Running forward, she felt that her body was very heavy. She looked down and saw that she was wearing yellow clothes.

Enjoy the joke: Someone angrily said to the neighbor: “Your dog keeps barking at three o’clock in the night.” Stop, how can I let you sleep?” The neighbors apologized and argued at the same time: “The wounds are on the mouths of little beasts, and it is difficult for people to overcome them.” A look of wonder appeared on someone’s face, and he opened his palms , I saw a red tongue in the palm of my hand, “Isn’t this a unique blessing?” Do you understand? To read more exciting short ghost stories, please stay tuned to the short ghost story section of the ghost story website!

When did you start hearing something from time to time? Chuiyangliu started to have nightmares every night. He dreamed of the same thing every day. In her dream, she transformed into a man, holding a submachine gun in front of her and wearing a small steel cap on her head. Running forward, she felt that her body was heavy. She looked down and saw that she was wearing yellow leather shoes, which looked very stylish.

She had seen it in the video. The way she was dressed today looked exactly like a Japanese military policeman. Willow was stunned. How could he become a man in his dream, and then still a Japanese man? The most damning thing was that he was a Japanese man and an executioner stained with the blood of the people of the country of etiquette.

The weeping willows couldn’t be collected for a while, and she couldn’t figure out what she was doing, so she ran forward. There was nothing wrong with her at that time, and she was chasing someone. She couldn’t be chasing a Chinese, right?

She saw scenes like this on TV every now and then. The Japanese devils are tyrannical in China and often hunt down and kill everyone who is in the flesh. The way I am now, I am not a casual but still a Japanese devil inside.

Chuiyangliu finally caught up with the person at that time. Judging from the figure, the person running desperately behind him was a young girl. Her long hair was slender and flowing, and she ran very fast because of her sensibility. It seemed that the person chasing her was a monster, which scared her so much that she ran forward desperately. Find stories, read stories

Yang Liu heard a green-faced, fanged laugh coming from her own mouth. She had heard that sound many times in anti-Japanese dramas. It was the sound of those Japanese soldiers laughing when they saw Jiuzhou Huabu.

Yang Liu caught the girl. When she pulled the girl’s shoulder blade, she only saw a piece of human skin and nothing else. This is a face that is ashamed of its facial features. Although the skin is fair and delicate, it looks unnaturally fearful. Yangliu screamed and woke up. Although it was winter now, Weeping Willow broke out in a cold sweat. She really couldn’t imagine why she would always have this bizarre dream. The world in the dream was beyond words. Fear, just like someone who has experienced the world honestly.

Yangliu was sure that he was ashamed to have done this thing, because the Japanese were already in a low position. He was a woman, how could he be transformed into a man’s family, and he was chasing another poor man with a gun? Girl, do you want to follow the crowd and risk the world’s disapproval of her? Isn’t this a big joke?

Chuiyangliu looked at the alarm clock. It was already past 6 o’clock, and she wanted to get up to start work. Liu Shu works as an administrative secretary in a company. His usual work is very simple. Apart from sorting out instant materials and arranging the general manager’s schedule, there is not much else to do. The sanitation of the general manager’s office is also done by Yangliu. She spent more time cleaning than when she was working.

Every time the general manager took a panoramic view of her clean office, she would praise Yang Liu. Yang Liu felt that the opportunity for her promotion was closer, and once she had done a good job in the general manager’s office The cleanliness of his home allowed him to see the variety and efficiency of his work. Read the story

Willow is pretentious in the company. Attributed to her moderate amount so general manager secretary. Others feel very at home with her, because everyone is connected and she also takes care of the general manager’s personal life.

Willow is the general manager’s mistress, and Xu is the general manager’s Xiaomi. As long as she lives a comfortable and fascinating life, she can do anything. She relies on the general manager as a tree, acts recklessly, and is ridiculously harsh on her colleagues in the commercial building. If they make a small mistake, Chuiyangliu will lose his temper and scold them bloody. Due to the majesty of the general manager, the two of them dared not speak out in anger. What Liu Shu said continued to go in one ear and out the other.

Liu Shuyiran bullied her. He didn’t care whether others were really afraid of her or not, and he really wanted to listen to her. She could only feel happy and superior. Employees in rational companies are all their own subordinates and personal brothers, and everything must be obeyed by their own arrangements.

Chuiyangliu has been tortured by nightmares recently. He has just celebrated his 30th birthday. Could it be that it was because he passed his 30th birthday that he started to have such a nightmare. In Mengxiang, he became a swordsman, a murderous demon who killed the people of his country. She didn’t dare to sleep every night. As soon as she went to bed, she would fall asleep and dream that she was chasing the girl who was ashamed of herself. The girl’s screams made her head bulge, as if it was going to explode.

Liu Mu has a poor rest every day, which has caused her professional efficiency to plummet. She makes mistakes every day during her working life, and her temperament becomes more and more violent. Fortunately, the general manager was on duty these days, otherwise he would have scolded her every day.

If Liu Mu’s feelings are not good, his subordinates will find it difficult to live happily and contentedly with their jobs. Everyone knows that it is Yang Liu’s fault, and those who do things will be scolded. Such a feeling makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Weeping Liu had no choice but to find a Zen monastery and told her supervisor about the nightmares she had every day. She sighed and said, “It’s all a bad fate from the previous life, and I still ignore you in this life.”

After reading the ghost story “Dream of the Past Life” that you enjoyed in the short ghost story column, if you have any ideas, please tell the Ghost Story Home! Ghost joke: A man said to his neighbor in anger: “Your dog keeps barking in the middle of the night. How can he let me sleep?” The neighbor unilaterally apologized and argued: “The tongue is on the little guy’s head.” It’s hard for people to control their mouths.”

Someone’s face showed a ghostly expression, he opened his hand, and saw a scarlet mouth in his palm, “Can’t you restrain it like this?” Do you understand? Yet? Just for fun, please don’t take it seriously!

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