Does hawthorn help you eliminate food accumulation?

Hawthorn tastes sweet and sour, and there are many ways to eat it. Consuming it in moderation has a good conditioning effect on constipation and loss of appetite. Is it useful to eat hawthorn for indigestion?

Is it useful to eat hawthorn for indigestion?

Indigestion can be relieved by eating some hawthorn in moderation. Hawthorn contains chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, and other acidic substances. The intake of such rich acidic substances into the body can increase the acidic components in the body and increase the secretion of gastric juice in the body, which can promote the metabolic rate in the body; Hawthorn The flavonoids and other substances of Hawthorn are also rich in flavonoids, lactones and other substances, which can also promote the secretion of gastric juice and increase the digestive function of gastric enzymes, thereby improving indigestion.

How to eat hawthorn to help digestion

Braised beef brisket with cherry tomatoes and hawthorn

Cut the beef brisket into pieces and cook it on high heat, take it out and put it in a casserole together with cooking wine and hawthorn to simmer; fry the cherry tomatoes with ginger and green onions, put them in the casserole and simmer together for 100 minutes, add soy sauce and pepper. Season with tomato sauce and simmer for 15 minutes. This dish is full of vitamins, and the delicious soup is thick, appetizing and refreshing, and very nutritious.

After soaking and washing the white fungus and dried hawthorn in the hawthorn white fungus soup, put the white fungus in a casserole and boil it with cold water, then pour in the hawthorn and cook for 20 minutes, add the yellow rock sugar and cook until the sugar dissolves. This homely sweet treat is nourishing and beautifying, as well as aids digestion.

What juice goes well with hawthorn

Tomato Hawthorn Juice Ingredients: Honey, Tomatoes, Hawthorn.

Practice 1. Wash the tomatoes, peel the stems and peel them, and cut them into pieces of suitable size; wash the hawthorns and cut them into small pieces.

2. Put tomatoes and hawthorn in a blender, add water and honey, and blend for 2 minutes.

How to Make Hawthorn Cake with Hawthorn

Main ingredients:

  • 2 catties of fresh hawthorn.


  • 100g white sugar, 10g dried osmanthus.


  1. Wash the hawthorn and drain the water.
  2. Cut open the middle, take out the seeds, and then remove the pedicles at both ends.
  3. Put it in a pot, pour in an appropriate amount of water, and cook slowly over low heat until the hawthorn comes out of the water.
  4. After the water comes out, separate the excess water with a strainer.
  5. Pour the mixed hawthorn paste into the crisper and smooth the surface with a spoon.
  6. After sealing with the lid, put it in the refrigerator for two hours until it solidifies, take it out, buckle it upside down, and cut it into pieces.

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