Dining Etiquette in Peru

Peru, the full name of the Republic of Peru, is a country in western South America. When we travel to Peru, we inevitably have to learn about Peruvian table manners. Good dining etiquette is the embodiment of our basic qualities. So what are the etiquettes at the Peruvian table? Let’s take a look at the Peruvian table manners that you need to pay attention to!

Dining Etiquette in Peru

(1) When you are invited to dinner, you are probably more interested in the people at the table and the conversation at the table than in the food. Therefore, when eating, there should be as little noise and movement as possible. It is best not to speak at the table.

(2) As soon as the hostess picks up the napkin, you can also pick up your napkin and put it on your lap. Sometimes there is a bun in the napkin; if that’s the case, take it and put it on a small plate next to it.

(3) If the napkin is large, put it on the lap; if it is small, open it all. Never pin a napkin to your collar or vest, and don’t rub it in your hands. Oil or dirt from your mouth or fingers can be wiped off with the corner of a napkin. Never use it to clean cutlery or dishes.

(4) Dinner usually starts with soup. The largest spoon in front of your seat is the spoon, which is next to the plate to your right. Don’t misuse the spoon in the middle of the table, as that might be for vegetable jam.

(5) No guest shall eat any dish until the hostess has taken up her spoon or fork. The hostess usually doesn’t start until every guest has their dishes. She won’t ask you to eat first, as the Chinese are used to. When she picks up a spoon or fork, that means everyone can do that too.

(6) If there is a dish of fish, it is mostly served after the soup. There may be a special fork for fish on the table. It may also be similar to the fork used for eating meat, and it is usually smaller. On the outside of the meat fork farther from the pan.

(7) Usually before the fish is served, the bones of the fish are removed. If the piece of fish you eat still has thorns, you can hold a bread roll or a piece of bread in your left hand, a knife in your right hand, and pluck the thorns. open.

(8) If there is a thorn in the mouth, take it out with your fingers quietly and as inconspicuously as possible, put it on the edge of the plate, not on the table, or throw it on the ground.

(9) Peruvians taboo “13” and “Friday”. It is believed that these are all unlucky numbers and dates, and when they meet them, disaster will be imminent. They taboo crows. The crow is considered an ominous bird, giving the impression of doom and disaster. They are taboo to give swords as gifts. Think giving these things means severing friendships. They do not eat bizarre foods such as sea cucumbers in their diets.

(10) The Inca Indians in Peru hold regular exorcism festivals every September. Because September is the rainy season. Plagues tend to spread. In order to exorcise the disease, on the first day of the full moon after the autumnal equinox, all people must fast. At night, every family gathers and bakes a tortilla with children’s blood. After bathing, people wipe their head, face, chest, shoulders, and legs with this kind of cake, thinking that it can relieve pain. Then use this kind of bread to wipe the threshold again, proving that the whole family has fasted and purified themselves.

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