Derailment (2023) 脱轨 Episode 9 Recap & Review

Episode 9: Jiang Xiaoyuan and Qilian’s investigation and location

Xiao Bai suddenly reported to Chen Fangzhou, saying that Sister Ling helped Xiao K cheat. She overheard that Sister Ling helped Xiao K get the test questions, and Chen Fangzhou suddenly remembered that night when Sister Ling went to her office to take out the trash. Chen Fangzhou also realized that Jiang Xiaoyuan’s hair iron was also deliberately damaged.

Sister Ling resigned after a big quarrel with Chen Fangzhou, and Xiao K was disqualified from the promotion due to cheating. The winner this time was Jiang Xiaoyuan.

Qi Lian was worried all day long because of Jiang Xiaoyuan’s affairs. To get back the old Jiang Xiaoyuan, Qi Lian decided to take her to relive the scenes and people in the past. Qi Lian called Jiang Xiaoyuan to have dinner with her. After hearing this, Lily thought Qi Lian was pursuing Jiang Xiaoyuan and quickly dressed her up.

Qilian organized a hometown gathering and took Jiang Xiaoyuan to meet many people he knew before. However, he met Ding Xiangling who claimed that Jiang Xiaoyuan had stolen 500 yuan from her. Jiang Xiaoyuan was so angry that she had a quarrel with him on the spot, and she hated Qi even more. Lian felt that the purpose of bringing him here was to make him suffer.

For the two to achieve an equal relationship, Jiang Xiaoyuan and Qi Lian reached an agreement. Qi Lian helped Jiang Xiaoyuan find a way to return home, while Jiang Xiaoyuan continued to play Jiang Xiaoyuan in this world.

Qi Lian told Jiang Xiaoyuan that the person who sent the coordinates was probably a hacker, but Jiang Xiaoyuan felt very surprised. After all, in her eyes, this was an unnatural phenomenon. Jiang Xiaoyuan’s phone was turned off when she woke up, and there was no way to locate it.

So where did this coordinate come from? Jiang Xiaoyuan and Qilian thought more and more carefully and finally used various means to investigate the person who installed the locator on Jiang Xiaoyuan.

Jiang Xiaoyuan and Qi Lian set off immediately. Jiang Xiaoyuan’s emotions became more and more out of control, and she even felt that her time travel was planned by Assistant Xu, but Qi Lian believed in Xu Jingyang. The location located was a large shopping mall, and Jiang Xiaoyuan and Qilian searched separately.

Qilian followed a suspicious person to a secret passage, but at this time Jiang Xiaoyuan was also followed by the mysterious person. When the two met, Qi Lian said that the person he was following disappeared out of thin air, but Jiang Xiaoyuan did not believe him.

Today is Christmas Eve. Lily said that she has a friend and she has an appointment with her boyfriend to go shopping tonight. She hopes Jiang Xiaoyuan can help her dress up. Jiang Xiaoyuan helped her make a very successful look. The locator in the mobile phone was out of power, and Qilian also learned that the power inside could only last for one year.

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