Derailment (2023) 脱轨 Episode 6 Recap & Review

Episode 6: Jiang Xiaoyuan was wronged

Jiang Xiaoyuan excitedly called Qi Lian and said that she had passed the exam and wanted to have dinner with him. However, Qi Lian said that he was on a business trip and had to wait until he came back tomorrow night. Qilian actually went to Baiyang County, Jiang Xiaoyuan’s hometown, and met her grandmother. Grandma Jiang was very happy to see Qilian and quickly asked him to sit down.

She also said that Jiang Xiaoyuan had disappeared for a year and she had no news from Jiang Xiaoyuan. It had been such a long time. Why didn’t she go home to see her grandma. Qi Lian sighed and could only tell her that Jiang Xiaoyuan was fine.

Qilian learned from Grandma Jiang that Jiang Xiaoyuan had disappeared for a year. She was seriously ill when she last visited her, and Jiang Xiaoyuan quietly gave her 100,000 yuan. In fact, Grandma Jiang was seriously ill when Jiang Xiaoyuan first entered college, so she went out to work desperately to make money. Grandma Jiang felt very distressed. Jiang Xiaoyuan invited Qilian to dinner. Her salary was only two thousand yuan, but it was enough to treat Qilian to dinner.

But Qilian was full of doubts. Jiang Xiaoyuan never drank before, but Grandma Jiang said that she learned how to smoke and drink when she came back. Moreover, as a girl, what kind of job can she earn 100,000 yuan at once?

When Jiang Xiaoyuan raised the second glass of wine, Qilian’s expression became more solemn. He had been waiting for Jiang Xiaoyuan to ask him why he didn’t go to the appointment six years ago, why he suddenly left without saying goodbye and never returned to Baiyang County, why he knew that Jiang Xiaoyuan needed She helped him, but he left for four years. Even when he came back, he didn’t appear in front of her immediately. Jiang Xiaoyuan lowered her head and was confused. The key was that she didn’t know what happened.

Jiang Xiaoyuan couldn’t bear it anymore and once again emphasized to Qilian that she was not the original Jiang Xiaoyuan. If he felt that he was at a disadvantage, they could break up. Qilian held up an umbrella for Jiang Xiaoyuan, and he never felt that he was at a disadvantage. Qi Lian finally chose to compromise. He didn’t ask about the past. He hugged Jiang Xiaoyuan tightly. They could not go back to the past, but they could still be friends in the future.

Jiang Xiaoyuan is very frank. She has no relatives in this world and needs friends. Qi Lian is the first person to lend a helping hand to her, but Jiang Xiaoyuan hopes that he understands that she is not the same person as the former Jiang Xiaoyuan. Qi Lian endured his heartache and agreed to all Jiang Xiaoyuan’s requests.

Jiang Xiaoyuan was glad that Qilian was still willing to be friends with her after knowing the truth, but she didn’t know what had happened between them before. Sister Ling was the one with the most experience in washing hair, and her positions were arranged based on performance. However, Jiang Xiaoyuan, who was standing at the end of the team, had no performance. Little K took the initiative to give up the customer to Jiang Xiaoyuan, and then she received the first customer.

Jiang Xiaoyuan was inspired by what her customers said. She could use her own expertise to attract regular customers. Jiang Xiaoyuan took Xiao K to implement the plan together, and constantly promoted her job number No. 27 to customers. Gradually, Jiang Xiaoyuan and Xiao K’s business improved, but Sister Ling’s face became extremely ugly.

Jiang Xiaoyuan vividly told Qi Lian about her happiness, but Qi Lian’s eyes were filled with an unclear look. Chen Fangzhou was going on a business trip. Before leaving, he told Jiang Xiaoyuan a piece of gossip that there would be two junior technician positions available in the store this month, and she could get them as long as she worked hard. On the first day after Chen Fangzhou left, Sister Ling set a trap for Jiang Xiaoyuan and asked her to entertain Helen’s clients.

When Jiang Xiaoyuan went to get a cake for a customer, Xiao K reminded her not to offend Sister Ling again, but Jiang Xiaoyuan didn’t take it to heart. Little K just witnessed Sister Ling replacing the cake that the customer did not eat. She wanted to remind Jiang Xiaoyuan, but Sister Ling stopped her. The customer was allergic to peanut butter and left angrily after receiving Jiang Xiaoyuan’s cake. Jiang Xiaoyuan was unconvinced and went to Sister Ling to argue, but was disqualified from performance and competition by Helen.

The person Jiang Xiaoyuan trusted most in the store was Xiao K. She did not expect to be betrayed. Xiao K apologized in tears, but Jiang Xiaoyuan said that they were not the same people. This episode reminded Jiang Xiaoyuan again of her obsession with returning to her original time and space. She accidentally found a post online. The poster said that a friend Xiao Xu disappeared for no reason. No one remembered him, and he became the person in her memory.

When Jiang Xiaoyuan looked at the photos in this post, her brain hurt violently again, as if an invisible hand was pulling her back. Jiang Xiaoyuan fainted again and was sent to the hospital. Qi Lian was still taking care of her and helping her pay her medical bills.

Sister Ling’s little thoughts were exposed and posted online. Jiang Xiaoyuan didn’t know about it, but everyone thought it was her who posted the video. Even Chen Fangzhou called to question it.

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