Derailment (2023) 脱轨 Episode 2 Recap & Review

Episode 2: Jiang Xiaoyuan time travel?

Jiang Xiaoyuan woke up again, and she was by the river. There was an ID card next to her. The name and birthday were exactly the same as Jiang Xiaoyuan’s, but the household registration was different. Jiang Xiaoyuan concluded that this was not her ID card. The household registration on it was in a village in Baiyang County, Sichuan Province. In a small mountain village, her household registration is in Chongqing.

Facing this strange environment in front of her, Jiang Xiaoyuan was very scared. She had clearly been knocked off the bridge. Where was this place? Jiang Xiaoyuan got up and stumbled to find the road, but she fainted on the side of the road due to lack of physical strength. When she woke up, she was in a truck.

The driver was a woman in her thirties and forties, Sister Zhang, who kindly explained that she was going to the city to deliver her. Good guy, he took her with him as a companion after he saw that she fainted and was injured. However, her car was not going to Chongqing, but to Luoshan City.

When she arrived at the service station, Jiang Xiaoyuan rushed to the convenience store to borrow a phone. She couldn’t remember Xu Tesuke’s mobile phone number, so she could only call her father, but no one answered. Only then did Jiang Xiaoyuan realize that the time here was not 2025, but 2018! A huge sense of fear struck, and Jiang Xiaoyuan got into Sister Zhang’s car with a lonely expression.

Qi Lian saw her figure thoughtfully. There was an incoming call on his cell phone. When he called back, he found that the call was from the convenience store next to him. Qi Lian did not pursue the matter, but still wanted to find Xu Jingyang.

Seeing Jiang Xiaoyuan’s scared look, Sister Zhang kept comforting her and wanted to take her to see her injuries. Jiang Xiaoyuan borrowed Sister Zhang’s phone to call her father again, but still couldn’t get through, so she was taken home to rest by Sister Zhang. Qi Lian came to the place where Jiang Xiaoyuan woke up and found blood stains on the ground. Xu Jingyang, is that you?

Jiang Xiaoyuan followed Sister Zhang to her home. This area was an old residential building, and she had a daughter at home. Jiang Xiaoyuan felt that time travel was ridiculous and she wanted to go home. Although the year had changed, she should be able to go home as long as she returned to Chongqing. It’s just that it’s too far away from Chongqing. Jiang Xiaoyuan only has 520 yuan, so she can only take a plane.

Qilian has been looking for Xu Jingyang’s whereabouts, but the police did not collect any information about him. Everyone said that Xu Jingyang might not exist at all. Jiang Xiaoyuan got up early in the morning to wash up. She was not used to such an environment and felt a little disgusted with it. Sister Zhang was suddenly knocked unconscious by a flower pot that fell from upstairs.

Zhang Tian cried and begged her for help, but Jiang Xiaoyuan only had 520 yuan on her, and the two of them could not raise the medical expenses together. There was a gap of fifty-eight, but Qilian suddenly appeared and helped her make up the money.

Jiang Xiaoyuan, who has been hungry all the time, looks very depressed on the street. Now she doesn’t even have the money to buy a train ticket. Qilian suddenly appeared. Jiang Xiaoyuan thought he was here to collect debts, and quickly asked him to go to the mother and daughter to ask for it. But Qilian was also very surprised. Why did Jiang Xiaoyuan pretend not to recognize him? Jiang Xiaoyuan felt dizzy for a while and woke up to find herself in the hospital ward with Qilian beside her.

Jiang Xiaoyuan thought Qi Lian wanted to pick up girls, and was very disdainful of it. She was the daughter of the famous president of the Jiang Group. Jiang Xiaoyuan also called her father in person, but the call was from Qi Lian’s mobile phone. Qi Lian was speechless as he searched for news. Jiang Xiaoyuan’s so-called father of the group president, Jiang Tianfeng, passed away in 2009. Jiang Xiaoyuan didn’t want to believe it, but Qilian said that there was no Jiang Group in Chongqing as she mentioned.

With tears in her eyes, Jiang Xiaoyuan walked in the corridor of the hospital as if she had lost her soul. In a trance, she seemed to see her former self walking towards her shining brightly, asking her why she came to her world. Jiang Xiaoyuan guessed that she did not travel through time, but came to another parallel world, and she did not belong here.

To return to her original world, Jiang Xiaoyuan tried to jump into the river, but was rescued by a kind person and sent to the police station. The person who came to bail her out was Qilian. The police thought that Jiang Xiaoyuan jumped into the river because of her emotional entanglement with Qi Lian, and they tried to persuade him for a long time.

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