Dear patient: the medical record book of fetters

Dear patient: the medical record book of fetters

Dear patient: the medical record book of fetters (2020)
Other Title: Dear Patient ~Boundary’s medical record card~ / ディア・ペイシェント~Kizuna no Kaluテ~

Genres: drama
10 episodes
Nishitani Shinichi, Fukui Matsuhiro
Arai Shuko, Minami Kyoko
Release Date: 
July 17, 2020
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  • Uchida Yuki
  • Tanaka Tetsuji
  • Asaka Hyoudai
  • Takanashi Rin
  • Hamano Kenta

“Dear Patient: The Fetters’ Medical Record” describes modern Japan The cruel reality of the medical world, the frustrations encountered by doctors seeking growth and encounters, mixed sadness and joy, and touching stories. Set on the stage of the Sasui Memorial Hospital, which regards hospitals as a “service industry” and promotes “patients first”, the doctors working there have all kinds of problems: a young female doctor repeatedly harassed by “monster patients” , A senior female doctor who has a cheerful personality and is liked by the patient is troubled by medical lawsuits, and a colleague doctor who keeps a distance from the patient but is involved in the incident. Can they find hope in the end?


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