Composition of the colors of the French flag

The French Flag is the national flag of the French Republic, also known as the “blue, white and red flag”; the flag is rectangular, with a ratio of length to width of 3:2, and the flag surface consists of three vertical rectangles, from left to right: Blue, white and red .

In 1789, the Paris National Guard used the blue, white and red tricolor flag as the team flag; in 1794, the tricolor flag was selected as the naval flag; in 1812, the French First Empire selected the tricolor flag as the “national flag”; 1815 In 2008, the tricolor flag was banned due to the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty; on February 25, 1848, the French Second Republic set the tricolor flag as the national flag; on October 4, 1958, the “French Fifth Republic Constitution” stipulated that blue-white – The red tricolor is the national flag of the Republic.

The flag of the French Republic was once a symbol of the French Revolution, with three colors representing freedom, equality and fraternity.

Design Parameters

The flag of the French Republic is rectangular and consists of three vertical rectangles. The flag of the French Republic, from left to right, is blue, white, and red. The ratio of the three colors of the tricolor flag is not evenly distributed. White and red are inflated and blue is receding, and if they were evenly distributed, it would appear that the size would be skewed. Therefore, the ratio of white and red should be slightly shrunk, and the ratio of blue should be enlarged slightly, so that it looks more balanced.

The most popular flag of the French Republic is that the ratio of “blue, white and red” is “37:30:33”, or “37:33:30”. Taking into account that the flag will flutter with the wind, there are also intentional enlargements of the red part that is most likely to flutter, and distributed according to the ratio of “30:33:37”. In 1946, the French Constitution stipulated that the three colors of the tricolor flag be equally distributed. The law has since been amended to allow for uneven distribution.

Symbolic meaning

The flag of the French Republic was originally intended to symbolize the union of royalty and people. The blue on the flag of the French Republic is the color of Saint Martin’s robe, a symbol of freedom. White commemorates the national hero Joan of Arc, a symbol of equality. Red is the color of the flag of Saint-Denis, a symbol of fraternity. During the bourgeois revolution, the flag of the French Republic is in the middle, representing the king and symbolizing the king’s sacred status; red and blue are on both sides, representing the citizens of Paris; at the same time, these three colors also symbolize the royal family of the French Republic and the alliance of the Paris bourgeoisie.

Principles of use

Laws and Regulations: Since 2003, the French Penal Code of the French Republic has defined insulting the national flag as a crime of insulting the national symbol, which can lead to a fine of 7,500 euros, and if it is a collective crime, it can be sentenced to 6 months in prison.

Note: According to a report on the website of Radio France Internationale on September 3, 2019, from September 2, 2019, the French Republic requires that all primary and secondary schools in the country must display the French Republic tricolor and the EU flag in the classroom.

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