Citadel of the Ho Dynasty in Vietnam

Citadel of the Ho Dynasty is the royal palace wall during the Ho Dynasty between 1940 – 1950, built by Emperor Hokki Li. While still a consultant to the imperial family. At that time, the capital city of Vietnam was at Tang Long which has a wide open landscape as well as having to receive war from China periodically by Hokki Lee therefore proposed a project to build a new city to protect against foreign enemies.

The new royal palace was completed within 3 months, called the Western Palace (Tay Do), in order to be different from the Tanglong Palace, which was given the new name, the East Palace (Dong Do). Hokki Li forced the emperor Tran Thuan Ton, 1920-1942 to give up the throne to Chao Thee De. The heir to his wife and nephew in the year 1941, then took power to establish a new royal family. Leaving Tanglong as a former royal capital in 1943. Emperor Hokui Li reigned for only one year. Appointed Ho Han Thuong, the second son, and established himself. Is the Emperor’s Highest Father. The Ho Dynasty dominated the throne for only 7 years. Emperor Yongle successfully sent an army to invade the city in 1950. Vietnam then had to become a colony of China again. People and property, especially books, important documents were forcibly collected to the Ming court. The former two emperors had to use labor abroad to the end.

Western capital is based on feng shui. In the middle of a valley of 4 valleys: An Ton, Tuong Son (Elephant Mountain), Hac Khuyen (Black Dog Mountain) and Dong Son (two rivers). The Ma Ma River and Buoi River is a suitable battlefield if there is a war because the city plans take advantage of nature, the mountains on all four sides and the two rivers are the first fortifications for protection against enemies.

All buildings were destroyed in the aftermath of the war and over 600 years have passed. The only giant wall on 4 sides is a testimony to the great events of the past. The effort to preserve this precious archaeological site has therefore identified three important areas: the palace (Hoang Thanh) which is the territory within the fortress, the deity worship, or The Nam Giao Altar (Hao Thanh) in the area outside the fortress and part of the capital city walls (La Thanh).

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