Chubu, Japan


Chubu region (Chubu) or Central Japan, located in the middle of the island of Honshu , has geographical features, climate, and local cultures that are different in each prefecture. The area along the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan has Mountain ranges and coastal plains There is heavy snow in winter. But the duration is shorter than in the Tohoku and Hokkaido regions.

Summer is hot and humid and cool in spring. and is one of the largest quality rice plantations central highlands It is a land of high mountains stretching in an endless line. Location of the Japan Alps, known as the roof of Japan In the mountains, the weather is cold all year round. In the summer on the mountain, there is a warm sun. But while the foothills are hot and humid.

The lower area is located on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. It has a warm and comfortable climate. It is famous for being the center of the automobile manufacturing industry. and Mount Fuji The tallest volcano and symbol of Japan

Chubu region consists of 9 provinces:

1. Niigata is a prefecture located along the west coast. The coast of Japan stretches across the island of Honshu, with Niigata as its capital. It is one of the largest agricultural production sites in Japan. Especially the largest rice growing area in Japan. It is famous for sake and is also the birthplace of koi carp.

2. Toyama is Located on the island of Honshu, the capital is Toyama. In the past, this city suffered from Itai Itai disease in the 1950s. Now it is an industrial city on the west coast of Japan. By focusing on industries that use electricity economically. There are famous dishes such as trout sushi and deep-water squid.

3. Gifu is a prefecture adjacent to Nagoya Located on the island of Honshu, the capital is Gifu, prominent in agriculture, woodworking, and plastic industry.

4. Shizuoka is located on the island of Honshu, the capital is Shizuoka, home to the beautiful Mount Fuji. and there is Izu beach which is a place to relax

5. Nagano is located on the island of Honshu with Nagano as the capital. Used to be the venue for the 1998 Winter Olympics, the terrain is high in mountains. Therefore, there are many tourists who come to climb the mountain. Soak in a hot spring for recreation

6. Fukui is located in the west. Adjacent to the Sea of ​​Japan on the island of Honshu, Fukui is the capital. It is home to many cultural buildings as well as natural attractions. and dinosaur fossils Many were discovered there.

7. Yamanashi is located on the island of Honshu, the capital is Kofu, a prefecture surrounded by mountains. especially Mount Fuji which is a very popular tourist spot There is a famous product that is wine in Kofu city, which is very famous in the jewelry industry. and has beautiful natural scenery

8. Ishikawa is located on the west coast of Honshu, with Kanazawa as its capital. Prominent in the textile industry and various handicrafts

9. Aichi is located on the island of Honshu with Nagoya as the capital. and is the largest city in the province (Many people often misunderstand that Nagoya is a province. But it really isn’t) It’s one of the largest industrial sites in Japan. Especially in the automotive and commercial aircraft industry.

Tourist Attraction

Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji, or “Fuji-san” in the Ainu language, means the god of fire. Located on the overlapping area between Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures, it has an elevation of 3,776 meters, which is considered the highest mountain in Japan. Therefore, we can see Fuji-san from a distance on a clear day.

Okuhida Hot Springs

Okuhida hot spring Famous for their open-air baths with panoramic views of Japan’s Northern Alps, the five onsen towns along the Okuhida Valley each have their own characteristics. Hot springs have minerals from different sources.

Matsumoto Castle 

The beautiful black castle paired with the city of culture Considered a symbol and pride of the people of the city. There is a small town surrounded by mountain ranges. The atmosphere is pure and cool all year round. There are all kinds of tourist activities. Both natural attractions such as mountains, rivers, or valuable historical and cultural attractions

Suganuma Village

The village consists of 9 gassho-zukuri farmhouses, which were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995. The farmhouses here are well preserved. Some have been converted into restaurants. Japanese-style inns (minshuku) and a museum about the lives of the villagers. The region’s washi paper and gunpowder industry

Nagoya Castle

Nagoya Castle It was built in the beginning of the Edo period. Most of the castle’s buildings were destroyed in an air raid in 1945, later rebuilt in 1959 with reinforced concrete. Inside there is a modern museum. Exhibit on the history of the castle. The gardens surrounding the castle are divided into 2 levels: the moat and the fortress wall. Which is a cherry blossom viewing point in late March – early April

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