Chapter 2 Looking at you quietly

Chapter 2 Looking at you quietly

“Girl Yuwen, this is why you don’t make sense.”

Zhou Cheng sighed: “Imagine the situation just now, you are all in arms, if I still don’t react with a wooden stake like a pestle, it’s strange that others don’t have doubts.”

“So, I want to thank you?”

“You can have this kind of consciousness, naturally it is best.”

Yu Wenmingxiu was startled, and then there was anger in his heart.

She had never imagined that this untouchable had become so bold after being knocked on the sap, that she began to run up against herself. At this moment, Yu Wenmingxi almost couldn’t help but pull a sword to kill, but thinking of the subsequent arrangement, she still suppressed her anger, “let’s talk nonsense, quickly change clothes, accompany me to the Chongyang night banquet …”

The Double Ninth Night Banquet sounds pretty good at first glance, but it is actually a drinking party for the children of the group, but it’s just because the Double Ninth Festival is much larger than usual.

I saw dozens of feet in the middle of the canal. More than a hundred pretty maidservants on board were busy back and forth, and in a short time, you could see a few beautiful dancers hurried into the bottom warehouse with their cloud sleeves on the deck. After walking into the attic with Yu Wenmingxiu, Rao Yizhou became aware of it, and couldn’t help but take a breath.

This place has been obviously remodeled to serve as a banquet hall is too luxurious. The bronzing pillars are filled with gemstones, under the bright lights are glowing with colorful brilliance, the ground is a blanket made of bearskin, and the pure white color shows no signs of stitching. At this time, several dancers whose clothes were as thin as cicadas were dancing around the purple gold sandalwood furnace, singing cigarettes, and moving dances, which made people feel like they were in a fairyland.

“Yo, isn’t this Yuwen’s sister. I heard that you traveled the mountains and wading water to find the genius and treasures that continued to return to life. I wonder if I have come down with more effort this month, but did I have something to gain?” When I went, I saw the enchanting beautiful woman, who was looking at them with a smile.

All the way up to the Shenyushui Yu civilization show, I do n’t know when it has become full of laughter, “The little girl is out of luck, and she endured nothing. After all, her husband, Junfu, was so lucky that he survived. disappointed.”

“Oh, Sister Yuwen is wrong. This can be done when Master Zhou is recovering. I’m too happy to be too late. How could I be disappointed.” Two eyes.

But at this moment, the young man sitting on the low table on the left suddenly said, “Ming Xiu, you haven’t gotten married yet, so you yelled at your husband.

The young man looked like a crown jade and a rich and handsome man. Although he knelt down on the ground, his body was like a long sword, which was extremely compelling. As his voice fell, the hall became quiet.

Although the Dugu valve is not as powerful as the documentary Queen Dugu Galo when he was alive, it is also a wealthy family. If not necessary, no one will easily offend.

However, Yu Wenmingxiu was an exception. She smiled indifferently and ignored the youth. She whispered in the form of deputy intimacy while holding Zhou Cheng: “This is Du Gu Zhong, the eldest son of Du Gu’s family. Mixed with the official position of the assistant minister of the Ministry of War, most of the people who are the black hands in the past few days are him. You will pass in a moment, don’t be patient, lest he find an opportunity to take advantage of the situation … “

Although the defense of men and women in the Sui Dynasty was not as perverted as the Ming and Qing dynasties, the banquets in public places were still seated by men and women.

Zhou Cheng thought, you might as well not say, how much hatred must be brought to Gola in the presence of so many people showing love.

Sure enough, the few sons and daughters who had been pretending to be indifferent, then began to show their fierce glances. As for Du Guzhong, after being disregarded on the spot by Yu Wenmingxiu, Jun’s face almost turned into an iron-blue color, and he drank a few glasses of wine in a muffled voice before barely calming down and giving a glance at the fat man on the side.

The fat man understood, immediately smiled, and greeted Zhou Cheng enthusiastically, “I heard Zhou Gongzi’s name as soon as I saw it today. Sure enough, there are people like dragon and phoenix. Come and come here. Since you are enjoying yourself, why should you be so cautious? Everyone is My own people, can’t you still eat it? “

In the laughter, the elite princes who had seen Zhou Cheng upset also echoed.

Zhou Cheng sighed, how could they not pay attention, but Yu Wenmingxiu could not speak, he could not leave, but had no choice but to step forward, and as expected, after a few rounds of greetings, Someone ca n’t wait to make a liquor order. This thing has been around since the Han Dynasty and developed into the Sui Dynasty. It has long been a must-have game in high-end banquet halls. To put it simply, it is to recommend one person as the commander, and the rest of the people take turns to listen to the poems and words. Wait, the loser will be fined for drinking.

At a party like the Chongyang Night Banquet, being fined for drinking is a very bad face. After all, the basis for judging the victory or defeat of the liquor order is the combination of poems and words. If you lose, do n’t you say that you are not as good as others?

Looking at the gang of eager youngsters, Zhou Cheng felt bored.

“I’m here to make soy sauce, are you so interesting? Even if you stepped on the brother in the end, the lady wouldn’t look at you high.” I thought to myself, the game has already started. I do n’t know if I wanted to perform in front of the female family, or the style of the Sui Dynasty was the case. Anyway, as long as the younger brothers who participated in the wine order, all of them were like chicken blood, thinking like a spring.

Zhou Cheng was too lazy to bother, and sat there leisurely in the spirit of “seeing you pretend to be quiet”. When it was his turn, he didn’t hesitate and directly drank his head. As a result, after more than ten rounds, other people’s wine glasses remained unchanged Next, he was drinking two pots of fine wine.

“Hehe, Zhou Gongzi is really a good drinker. Sister Yuwen, how does he drink at home on weekdays?”

The beautiful woman twisted a grape with a smile, peeling it and importing it elegantly.

Several young girls in Chinese dresses have been jealous of Yu Wenmingxiu for a long time, and now some people are the first to fire, and they are decisive to keep up.

“The amount of wine is good, but unfortunately the literary talent is really inferior. The flying flowers just made it so simple that even six-year-old children can easily catch up with him. He was fined and it was really funny to think about it.”

“Hey, don’t be so arbitrary. Maybe someone thinks the wine is delicious, so you want to drink two more glasses on purpose?”

“Also, Sister Yuwen’s eyes are higher than the top, how could the husband she’s looking for be a waste wood. It must be high, and the force is excellent. Sister Yuwen, why don’t you talk to Prince Gong and let him make his first masterpiece , So that the sisters opened their eyes … “

Although Yu Wenmingxiu had been psychologically prepared for a long time, he could be damaged by everyone secretly, and his face could not help getting dark.

“Okay, don’t embarrass her anymore. This week, the son is just a refugee, and his hometown was violently mobilized. He fled north and didn’t know a few big characters, let alone write poems.” The above is to ridicule Yu Wenmingxiu’s lack of vision, Yu Wenmingxiu listens in his ears, his fingers can not help but white.

Ding! Just then, the silk bamboo orchestra, the music sounded. A group of dancers appeared in the field with a swaying posture. As the leader dancer, she is a young girl named Cardamom. She has bright eyes, a long posture, and a soft posture between long-sleeved dances. It is a difficult dance posture that was perfectly interpreted by her and caused everyone to applaud. Even the liquor orders stopped temporarily.


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